- ⧉⌕Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1136 (30)
- Properties (30)
- protected entityTypeId -> string (4) "node"
- protected enforceIsNew -> &null
- protected typedData -> null
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- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- ⧉protected values -> &array (25)
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- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
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- ⧉revision_timestamp => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720943575"
2024-07-14 07:52:55 UTC
- ⧉revision_log => array (1)
- x-default => null
- ⧉revision_default => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉isDefaultRevision => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉status => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (4) "3957"
- x-default => string (4) "3957"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (4) "3957"
- it => string (4) "3957"
- ⧉title => array (5)
- de => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- x-default => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- es => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS: un camino hacia el altruismo y la cooperación"
- fr => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS : un chemin vers l'altruisme et la coopération"
- it => string (47) "SERVAS: un percorso di altruismo e cooperazione"
- ⧉created => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1720941631"
2024-07-14 07:20:31 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720885667"
2024-07-13 15:47:47 UTC
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2024-07-14 07:20:54 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1720941592"
2024-07-14 07:19:52 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1720941678"
2024-07-14 07:21:18 UTC
- ⧉changed => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1720941638"
2024-07-14 07:20:38 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720896606"
2024-07-13 18:50:06 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1720943024"
2024-07-14 07:43:44 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1720942444"
2024-07-14 07:34:04 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1720943575"
2024-07-14 07:52:55 UTC
- ⧉promote => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
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- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => null
- fr => null
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉content_translation_source => array (5)
- de => string (2) "en"
- x-default => string (3) "und"
- es => string (2) "en"
- fr => string (2) "en"
- it => string (2) "en"
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉body => array (5)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (4707) "<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>In late June, 2024, the Peace Secretariat o...
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>In late June, 2024, the Peace Secretariat of Servas Portugal held an online conversation around the theme: “Inner Peace through Transformative Journeys”. The contribution from one of our members was appreciated so much that we asked her to put it into writing. </strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Here is what Manuela Gama had to say:</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:media-text {"mediaId":11404,"mediaLink":"/sites/default/files/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg","mediaType":"image","mediaAttrs":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701","data-image-style":"original"}} --> <div class="wp-block-media-text alignwide is-stacked-on-mobile"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg?itok=sCuLOYE_" alt="Manuela Gama, member of Servas Portugal" class="wp-image-11404 size-full" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701" data-image-style="original"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Content…","fontSize":"large"} --> <p class="has-large-font-size">Manuela Gama is a member of Servas Portugal since 2005.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div> <!-- /wp:media-text --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I learned to be a Servas host in Brazil during a two-month trip in 2005. I was welcomed by 11 Servas hosts. Once back home, it was very easy for me to start hosting people who requested it. Marina Garcia from Pontevedra is the first entry in my guestbook. She arrived on Saturday, April 8, 2006. Since then there have been a total of 62 visits, not counting the repeat visitors. Some came back because our conversation needed more time, to carry on practising Portuguese, or simply because my home is a place that lends itself to writing, reading, and resting.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Each visit brought me much more than my hospitality had managed to offer.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>When the time for goodbyes came, I felt the cultural enrichment and understanding of the world that each visit brought me meant I had received much more than my hospitality had managed to offer.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>If I look for a common link of greater relevance in all these encounters - which would have been highly unlikely without Servas - what stands out is not the pleasure of sharing, of being together on walks or having meals. Nor would I choose the enjoyable discussions about books, movies or politics. All of that was/is genuinely good and enriching, but what was/is truly transformative was/is <strong>opening the door to strangers in total trust</strong>.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>When my first Servas visitors came in 2006, several people in my family thought it was a risk and that I was... unwise. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>But, very soon, after joining in moments of Servas socializing, my family members were already asking: “When are the next ones coming?”</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>From the time you open the door, an immediate egalitarian interaction takes place.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Here lies the transformation: fears turned into trust<strong>. The unknown other became one of us</strong>.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>And this trust, present right from the time you open the door, then settles into an easy, immediately egalitarian interaction. In the LOI (Letter of Introduction) there are no diplomas or marks of social status, so the communication is truly between equals. Acceptance is free from conditioning. It allows for a very rare innocence.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In society, in "real life", this freedom is rare, so exercising it is potentially transformative: it shows how, over the course of two days, close and fraternal communication is possible.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Isn't it this trusting closeness that opens the paths to altruism and cooperation, fundamental for world peace?”</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>By: Manuela Gama, Secretary of Servas Portugal General Assembly (2022-2025)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => string (165) "A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting...
A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting closeness that opens the paths to altruism and cooperation, fundamental for world peace.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (4707) "<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>In late June, 2024, the Peace Secretariat o...
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>In late June, 2024, the Peace Secretariat of Servas Portugal held an online conversation around the theme: “Inner Peace through Transformative Journeys”. The contribution from one of our members was appreciated so much that we asked her to put it into writing. </strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Here is what Manuela Gama had to say:</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:media-text {"mediaId":11404,"mediaLink":"/sites/default/files/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg","mediaType":"image","mediaAttrs":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701","data-image-style":"original"}} --> <div class="wp-block-media-text alignwide is-stacked-on-mobile"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg?itok=sCuLOYE_" alt="Manuela Gama, member of Servas Portugal" class="wp-image-11404 size-full" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701" data-image-style="original"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Content…","fontSize":"large"} --> <p class="has-large-font-size">Manuela Gama is a member of Servas Portugal since 2005.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div> <!-- /wp:media-text --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I learned to be a Servas host in Brazil during a two-month trip in 2005. I was welcomed by 11 Servas hosts. Once back home, it was very easy for me to start hosting people who requested it. Marina Garcia from Pontevedra is the first entry in my guestbook. She arrived on Saturday, April 8, 2006. Since then there have been a total of 62 visits, not counting the repeat visitors. Some came back because our conversation needed more time, to carry on practising Portuguese, or simply because my home is a place that lends itself to writing, reading, and resting.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Each visit brought me much more than my hospitality had managed to offer.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>When the time for goodbyes came, I felt the cultural enrichment and understanding of the world that each visit brought me meant I had received much more than my hospitality had managed to offer.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>If I look for a common link of greater relevance in all these encounters - which would have been highly unlikely without Servas - what stands out is not the pleasure of sharing, of being together on walks or having meals. Nor would I choose the enjoyable discussions about books, movies or politics. All of that was/is genuinely good and enriching, but what was/is truly transformative was/is <strong>opening the door to strangers in total trust</strong>.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>When my first Servas visitors came in 2006, several people in my family thought it was a risk and that I was... unwise. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>But, very soon, after joining in moments of Servas socializing, my family members were already asking: “When are the next ones coming?”</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>From the time you open the door, an immediate egalitarian interaction takes place.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Here lies the transformation: fears turned into trust<strong>. The unknown other became one of us</strong>.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>And this trust, present right from the time you open the door, then settles into an easy, immediately egalitarian interaction. In the LOI (Letter of Introduction) there are no diplomas or marks of social status, so the communication is truly between equals. Acceptance is free from conditioning. It allows for a very rare innocence.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>In society, in "real life", this freedom is rare, so exercising it is potentially transformative: it shows how, over the course of two days, close and fraternal communication is possible.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Isn't it this trusting closeness that opens the paths to altruism and cooperation, fundamental for world peace?”</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>By: Manuela Gama, Secretary of Servas Portugal General Assembly (2022-2025)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => string (165) "A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting...
A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting closeness that opens the paths to altruism and cooperation, fundamental for world peace.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (4971) "<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>A finales de junio de 2024, la Secretaría d...
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>A finales de junio de 2024, la Secretaría de la Paz de Servas Portugal celebró una conversación en línea en torno al tema: "Paz interior a través de viajes transformadores". La contribución de uno de nuestros miembros fue tan apreciada que le pedimos que la pusiera por escrito.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Esto es lo que dijo Manuela Gama:</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:media-text {"mediaId":11404,"mediaLink":"/sites/default/files/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg","mediaType":"image","mediaAttrs":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701","data-image-style":"original"}} --> <div class="wp-block-media-text alignwide is-stacked-on-mobile"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg?itok=sCuLOYE_" alt="Manuela Gama, member of Servas Portugal" class="wp-image-11404 size-full" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701" data-image-style="original"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Content…","fontSize":"large"} --> <p class="has-large-font-size">Manuela Gama es miembro de Servas Portugal desde 2005.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div> <!-- /wp:media-text --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Aprendí a ser anfitrión Servas en Brasil durante un viaje de dos meses en 2005. Fui recibida por 11 anfitriones Servas. Una vez de vuelta en casa, me fue muy fácil empezar a acoger a gente que lo solicitaba. Marina García de Pontevedra es la primera entrada en mi libro de visitas. Llegó el sábado 8 de abril de 2006. Desde entonces ha habido un total de 62 visitas, sin contar los visitantes que repiten. Algunos volvieron porque nuestra conversación necesitaba más tiempo, para seguir practicando portugués, o simplemente porque mi casa es un lugar que se presta a escribir, leer y descansar.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Cada visita me aportaba mucho más de lo que mi hospitalidad había conseguido ofrecerme.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Cuando llegó el momento de las despedidas, sentí que el enriquecimiento cultural y la comprensión del mundo que me aportaba cada visita significaba que había recibido mucho más de lo que mi hospitalidad había conseguido ofrecer.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Si busco un nexo común de mayor relevancia en todos estos encuentros -que hubieran sido muy improbables sin Servas- lo que destaca no es el placer de compartir, de estar juntos en paseos o comiendo. Tampoco elegiría las amenas discusiones sobre libros, películas o política. Todo eso fue/es genuinamente bueno y enriquecedor, pero lo que fue/es verdaderamente transformador fue/es <strong>abrir la puerta a extraños en total confianza.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Cuando llegaron mis primeros visitantes Servas en 2006, varias personas de mi familia pensaron que era un riesgo y que yo era… imprudente.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Pero, muy pronto, después de unirme en momentos de socialización Servas, los miembros de mi familia ya estaban preguntando: "¿Cuándo vienen los próximos?"</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Desde el momento en que se abre la puerta, se produce una interacción igualitaria inmediata.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Aquí radica la transformación: los miedos se convirtieron en confianza. <strong>El otro desconocido se convirtió en uno de nosotros.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Y esta confianza, presente desde el momento en que se abre la puerta, se instala luego en una interacción fácil e inmediatamente igualitaria. En la LOI (Carta de Presentación) no hay diplomas ni marcas de estatus social, por lo que la comunicación es verdaderamente entre iguales. La aceptación está libre de condicionamientos. Permite una inocencia muy poco frecuente.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>En la sociedad, en la "vida real", esta libertad es poco frecuente, por lo que ejercerla es potencialmente transformador: muestra cómo, a lo largo de dos días, es posible una comunicación estrecha y fraternal.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>¿No es esta cercanía confiada la que abre los caminos al altruismo y la cooperación, fundamentales para la paz mundial?".</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Por: Manuela Gama, Secretaria de la Asamblea General de Servas Portugal (2022-2025)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => string (165) "A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting...
A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting closeness that opens the paths to altruism and cooperation, fundamental for world peace.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (5146) "<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Fin juin 2024, le Secrétariat pour la Paix ...
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Fin juin 2024, le Secrétariat pour la Paix de Servas Portugal a organisé une conversation en ligne autour du thème : "La paix intérieure à travers les voyages de transformation". La contribution de l'une de nos membres a été tellement appréciée que nous lui avons demandé de la mettre par écrit.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Voici ce que Manuela Gama a déclaré :</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:media-text {"mediaId":11404,"mediaLink":"/sites/default/files/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg","mediaType":"image","mediaAttrs":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701","data-image-style":"original"}} --> <div class="wp-block-media-text alignwide is-stacked-on-mobile"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg?itok=sCuLOYE_" alt="Manuela Gama, member of Servas Portugal" class="wp-image-11404 size-full" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701" data-image-style="original"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Content…","fontSize":"large"} --> <p class="has-large-font-size">Manuela Gama est membre de Servas Portugal depuis 2005.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div> <!-- /wp:media-text --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>J'ai appris à devenir hôte Servas au Brésil lors d'un voyage de deux mois en 2005. J'ai été accueillie par 11 hôtes Servas. Une fois rentrée chez moi, il m'a été très facile de commencer à accueillir les personnes qui le demandaient. Marina Garcia de Pontevedra est la première entrée dans mon livre de visites. Elle est arrivée le samedi 8 avril 2006. Depuis, il y a eu 62 visites au total, sans compter les visiteurs récurrents. Certains sont revenus parce que notre conversation avait besoin de plus de temps, pour continuer à pratiquer le portugais, ou simplement parce que ma maison est un lieu qui se prête à l'écriture, à la lecture et au repos.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Chaque visite m'a apporté bien plus que ce que mon hospitalité avait réussi à offrir.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Lorsque le temps des adieux est venu, j'ai senti que l'enrichissement culturel et la compréhension du monde que chaque visite m'apportait signifiaient que j'avais reçu bien plus que ce que mon hospitalité avait réussi à m'offrir.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Si je cherche un lien commun plus pertinent dans toutes ces rencontres - qui auraient été très improbables sans Servas - ce qui ressort n'est pas le plaisir de partager, d'être ensemble lors de promenades ou de repas. Je ne choisirais pas non plus les discussions agréables sur les livres, les films ou la politique. Tout cela était/est vraiment bon et enrichissant, mais ce qui a été/est vraiment transformateur, c'est d'ouvrir la porte à des étrangers en toute confiance.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Lorsque mes premiers visiteurs Servas sont arrivés en 2006, plusieurs membres de ma famille ont pensé que c'était un risque et que j'étais… imprudente.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Mais très vite, après avoir participé à des moments de socialisation Servas, les membres de ma famille me demandaient déjà : "A quand les prochains ?"</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Dès l'ouverture de la porte, une interaction égalitaire immédiate se met en place.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>C'est là que réside la transformation : les craintes se sont transformées en confiance.<strong> L'autre inconnu est devenu l'un de nous.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Et cette confiance, présente dès l'ouverture de la porte, s'installe ensuite dans une interaction facile, immédiatement égalitaire. Dans la LOI (Lettre d'introduction), il n'y a pas de diplômes ou de marques de statut social, de sorte que la communication se fait véritablement entre égaux. L'acceptation est libre de tout conditionnement. Elle permet une innocence très rare.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Dans la société, dans la "vraie vie", cette liberté est rare, son exercice est donc potentiellement transformateur : il montre comment, pendant deux jours, une communication étroite et fraternelle est possible.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>N'est-ce pas cette proximité confiante qui ouvre les voies de l'altruisme et de la coopération, fondamentales pour la paix dans le monde ?</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Par : Manuela Gama, Secrétaire de l'Assemblée Générale de Servas Portugal (2022-2025)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => string (165) "A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting...
A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting closeness that opens the paths to altruism and cooperation, fundamental for world peace.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉it => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (5026) "<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Alla fine di giugno 2024, il Segretariato p...
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Alla fine di giugno 2024, il Segretariato per la Pace di Servas Portogallo ha organizzato una conversazione online sul tema: "La pace interiore attraverso i viaggi di trasformazione". Il contributo di una nostra socia è stato talmente apprezzato che le abbiamo chiesto di metterlo per iscritto.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Ecco cosa ha detto Manuela Gama:</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:media-text {"mediaId":11404,"mediaLink":"/sites/default/files/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg","mediaType":"image","mediaAttrs":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701","data-image-style":"original"}} --> <div class="wp-block-media-text alignwide is-stacked-on-mobile"><figure class="wp-block-media-text__media"><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/images/2024-07/Manuela%20Gama.Servas%20Portugal.jpeg?itok=sCuLOYE_" alt="Manuela Gama, member of Servas Portugal" class="wp-image-11404 size-full" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b09c9bb8-b8c5-4190-9256-8f973ef29701" data-image-style="original"/></figure><div class="wp-block-media-text__content"><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Content…","fontSize":"large"} --> <p class="has-large-font-size">Manuela Gama è membro di Servas Portogallo dal 2005.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --></div></div> <!-- /wp:media-text --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Ho imparato a fare l'host Servas in Brasile durante un viaggio di due mesi nel 2005. Sono stata accolta da 11 host Servas. Una volta tornata a casa, è stato molto facile per me iniziare a ospitare le persone che lo richiedevano. Marina Garcia, di Pontevedra, è la prima a comparire nel mio libro degli ospiti. È arrivata sabato 8 aprile 2006. Da allora ci sono state 62 visite in totale, senza contare i visitatori abituali. Alcuni sono tornati perché la nostra conversazione richiedeva più tempo, per continuare a praticare il portoghese o semplicemente perché la mia casa è un luogo che si presta alla scrittura, alla lettura e al riposo.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Ogni visita mi ha portato molto di più di quanto la mia ospitalità fosse riuscita a offrire.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Quando è arrivato il momento dei saluti, ho sentito che l'arricchimento culturale e la comprensione del mondo che ogni visita mi ha portato significava che avevo ricevuto molto di più di quanto la mia ospitalità fosse riuscita a offrire.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Se cerco un legame comune di maggiore rilevanza in tutti questi incontri - che sarebbero stati altamente improbabili senza Servas - ciò che risalta non è il piacere di condividere, di stare insieme durante le passeggiate o i pasti. Non sceglierei nemmeno le piacevoli discussioni su libri, film o politica. Tutto questo è stato/è genuinamente buono e arricchente, ma ciò che è stato/è veramente trasformativo è stato/è <strong>aprire la porta agli sconosciuti in totale fiducia.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Quando nel 2006 ho ricevuto i primi visitatori Servas, molte persone della mia famiglia hanno pensato che fosse un rischio e che fossi… sprovveduta.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Ma, molto presto, dopo aver partecipato a momenti di socializzazione Servas, i miei familiari già chiedevano: "Quando arriveranno i prossimi?".</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote"><blockquote><p>Dal momento in cui si apre la porta, ha luogo un'immediata interazione egualitaria.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Qui sta la trasformazione: le paure si sono trasformate in fiducia. <strong>L'altro sconosciuto è diventato uno di noi.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>E questa fiducia, presente fin dal momento in cui si apre la porta, si traduce in un'interazione facile e immediatamente egualitaria. Nella LOI (Lettera di presentazione) non ci sono diplomi o segni di status sociale, quindi la comunicazione è veramente tra pari. L'accettazione è libera da condizionamenti. Permette un'innocenza molto rara.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Nella società, nella "vita reale", questa libertà è rara, quindi esercitarla è potenzialmente trasformativo: mostra come, nel corso di due giorni, sia possibile una comunicazione stretta e fraterna.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Non è forse questa vicinanza fiduciosa che apre le strade all'altruismo e alla cooperazione, fondamentali per la pace nel mondo?".</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>A cura di: Manuela Gama, Segretaria dell'Assemblea Generale di Servas Portogallo (2022-2025)</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => string (165) "A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting...
A brief dissertation about the meaning of hosting, which provides a trusting closeness that opens the paths to altruism and cooperation, fundamental for world peace.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉field_category => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (2)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- target_id => string (4) "1985"
- ⧉1 => array (1)
- target_id => string (3) "178"
- ⧉field_main_picture => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- target_id => string (3) "458"
- ⧉field_private => array (5)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉it => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- protected fields -> &array (0)
- ⧉protected fieldDefinitions -> array (29)
- ⧉nid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1902 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1903 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "ID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "nid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1904 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:integer"
- ⧉settings => array (6)
- unsigned => boolean true
- size => string (6) "normal"
- min => string (0) ""
- max => string (0) ""
- prefix => string (0) ""
- suffix => string (0) ""
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1902 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "integer"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉uuid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1905 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1906 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (4) "UUID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (4) "uuid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1907 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (15) "field_item:uuid"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- max_length => integer 128
- is_ascii => boolean true
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1905 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (4) "uuid"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉vid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1908 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1909 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Revision ID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "vid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1910 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:integer"
- ⧉settings => array (6)
- unsigned => boolean true
- size => string (6) "normal"
- min => string (0) ""
- max => string (0) ""
- prefix => string (0) ""
- suffix => string (0) ""
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1908 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "integer"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉langcode => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1912 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (8) "Language"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉display => array (2)
- Table (2)
- Contents (2)
options configurable view array (1) true form array (2) true - ⧉view => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (1)
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- configurable => boolean true
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (15) "language_select"
- weight => integer 2
- configurable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (8) "langcode"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1913 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (19) "field_item:language"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (8) "language"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉type => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1914 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- label => string (17) "Tipo di contenuto"
- required => boolean true
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (4) "type"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1915 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (9) "node_type"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1914 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_timestamp => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1916 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1917 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Revision create time"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1918 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (47) "The time that the current revision was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (18) "revision_timestamp"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1919 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:created"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1916 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "created"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1920 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1921 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (13) "Revision user"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1922 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (50) "The user ID of the author of the current revision."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (12) "revision_uid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1923 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (4) "user"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1920 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_log => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1924 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1925 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Revision log message"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1926 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (43) "Briefly describe the changes you have made."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (0) ""
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (30) "hide_revision_field_log_widget"
- weight => integer 80
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (12) "revision_log"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1927 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (22) "field_item:string_long"
- ⧉settings => array (1)
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1924 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (11) "string_long"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉status => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1928 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1929 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "Published"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
- ⧉settings => array (1) Depth Limit
- weight => integer 120
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (6) "status"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1930 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1931 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1932 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1928 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1933 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1934 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Authored by"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- default_value_callback => string (46) "Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner"
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1935 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (35) "The username of the content author."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (6) "author"
- weight => integer 0
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (29) "entity_reference_autocomplete"
- weight => integer 5
- ⧉settings => array (3) Depth Limit
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "uid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1936 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (4) "user"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1933 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉title => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1937 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1938 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (5) "Title"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- required => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (6) "string"
- weight => integer -5
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (16) "string_textfield"
- weight => integer -5
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (5) "title"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1939 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (17) "field_item:string"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- max_length => integer 255
- is_ascii => boolean false
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1937 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (6) "string"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉created => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1940 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1941 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Authored on"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1942 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (47) "The date and time that the content was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (9) "timestamp"
- weight => integer 0
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (18) "datetime_timestamp"
- weight => integer 10
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (7) "created"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1943 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:created"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1940 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "created"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉changed => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1944 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1945 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (7) "Changed"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1946 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (39) "The time that the node was last edited."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (7) "changed"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1947 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:changed"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1944 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "changed"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉promote => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride#1997 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (19) "base_field_override"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (20) "node.article.promote"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "0eedbad1-635a-418a-9f7c-97a6e025b326"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (1)
- 0 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (20) "node.article.promote"
- protected field_name -> string (7) "promote"
- protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (22) "Promoted to front page"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- on_label => string (2) "On"
- off_label => string (3) "Off"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- ⧉protected default_value -> array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => integer 0
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected baseFieldDefinition -> null
- ⧉sticky => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1953 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1954 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (22) "Sticky at top of lists"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
- ⧉settings => array (1) Depth Limit
- weight => integer 16
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (6) "sticky"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1955 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1956 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1957 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1953 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉default_langcode => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1958 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1959 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (19) "Default translation"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1960 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (58) "A flag indicating whether this is the default translation."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (16) "default_langcode"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1961 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1962 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1963 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1958 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_default => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1964 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1965 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (16) "Default revision"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1966 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (72) "A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- storage_required => boolean true
- internal => boolean true
- translatable => boolean false
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (16) "revision_default"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1967 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1968 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1969 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1964 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1970 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1971 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (29) "Revision translation affected"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1972 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (72) "Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1973 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1974 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1975 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1970 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉metatag => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1976 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1977 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (40) "Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1978 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (38) "The computed meta tags for the entity."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- computed => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- read-only => boolean true
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- cardinality => integer -1
- provider => string (7) "metatag"
- field_name => string (7) "metatag"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1979 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:metatag_computed"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1976 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "metatag_computed"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉path => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1980 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1981 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "URL alias"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (4) "path"
- weight => integer 30
- configurable => boolean true
- computed => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "path"
- field_name => string (4) "path"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1982 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (15) "field_item:path"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1980 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (4) "path"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉menu_link => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1983 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (12)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1984 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "Menu link"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1985 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (68) "Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving)."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- class => string (35) "\Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList"
- translatable => boolean true
- internal => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- ⧉form => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (1)
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- computed => boolean true
- provider => string (5) "token"
- field_name => string (9) "menu_link"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1986 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (17) "menu_link_content"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1983 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉content_translation_source => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1987 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1988 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (18) "Translation source"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1989 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (60) "The source language from which this translation was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (3) "und"
- ⧉initial_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (3) "und"
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (19) "content_translation"
- field_name => string (26) "content_translation_source"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1990 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (19) "field_item:language"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1987 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (8) "language"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1991 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1992 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Translation outdated"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1993 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (66) "A boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- ⧉initial_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (19) "content_translation"
- field_name => string (28) "content_translation_outdated"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1994 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1995 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1996 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1991 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉body => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1998 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (17) "node.article.body"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "69b53fcf-ca11-4132-a4fd-67eefc0b26ed"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- ⧉protected _core -> array (1)
- default_config_hash => string (43) "IjZnOLWk1Pjq3WRg2pLSA1ERh7Po7izCq_p6UztZr2c"
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (2)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (23) "field.storage.node.body"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- ⧉module => array (1)
- 0 => string (4) "text"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (17) "node.article.body"
- protected field_name -> string (4) "body"
- protected field_type -> string (17) "text_with_summary"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (5) "Corpo"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (3)
- display_summary => boolean true
- required_summary => boolean false
- allowed_formats => array (0)
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_category => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1999 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (27) "node.article.field_category"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "729a7d9b-ab92-4a19-ae76-6dd9b95055f6"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (33) "field.storage.node.field_category"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- 2 => string (36) "taxonomy.vocabulary.content_category"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (27) "node.article.field_category"
- protected field_name -> string (14) "field_category"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (16) "Content category"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (21) "default:taxonomy_term"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- content_category => string (16) "content_category"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (4) "name"
- direction => string (3) "asc"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (16) "content_category"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_main_picture => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2000 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (31) "node.article.field_main_picture"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "01a7d86c-d891-4ee9-a331-cc2beca16691"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (37) "field.storage.node.field_main_picture"
- 1 => string (16) "media.type.image"
- 2 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (31) "node.article.field_main_picture"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_main_picture"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (12) "Main picture"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (13) "default:media"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- image => string (5) "image"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (5) "_none"
- direction => string (3) "ASC"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_private => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2001 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (26) "node.article.field_private"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "7813685f-e83c-476d-b6fb-57981a3261d0"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (32) "field.storage.node.field_private"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (26) "node.article.field_private"
- protected field_name -> string (13) "field_private"
- protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (7) "Private"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- on_label => string (3) "Yes"
- off_label => string (2) "No"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- ⧉protected default_value -> array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => integer 0
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_related_page => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2002 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (31) "node.article.field_related_page"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "8db7fbe0-dc8d-442d-98c6-d3572ec2c453"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (37) "field.storage.node.field_related_page"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- 2 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (31) "node.article.field_related_page"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_related_page"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (12) "Related page"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (12) "default:node"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- page => string (4) "page"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (5) "_none"
- direction => string (3) "ASC"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_servas_zone => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2003 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (30) "node.article.field_servas_zone"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "ffb4a2f9-bf96-4cde-aeeb-92e7bc6c5c66"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (36) "field.storage.node.field_servas_zone"
- 1 => string (17) "node.type.article"
- 2 => string (24) "taxonomy.vocabulary.zone"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (30) "node.article.field_servas_zone"
- protected field_name -> string (17) "field_servas_zone"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (7) "article"
- protected label -> string (14) "Regione Servas"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (21) "default:taxonomy_term"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- zone => string (4) "zone"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (4) "name"
- direction => string (3) "asc"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉protected languages -> array (7)
- ⧉en => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1865 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Inglese"
- protected id -> string (2) "en"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 0
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉fr => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1867 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Francese"
- protected id -> string (2) "fr"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 1
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉de => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1864 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Tedesco"
- protected id -> string (2) "de"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 2
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉es => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1866 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Spagnolo"
- protected id -> string (2) "es"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 3
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉it => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1868 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Italiano"
- protected id -> string (2) "it"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 4
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉und => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1869 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (16) "Non specificato."
- protected id -> string (3) "und"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 5
- protected locked -> boolean true
- ⧉zxx => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1705 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (15) "Non applicabile"
- protected id -> string (3) "zxx"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 6
- protected locked -> boolean true
- protected langcodeKey -> string (8) "langcode"
- protected defaultLangcodeKey -> string (16) "default_langcode"
- protected activeLangcode -> string (2) "it"
- protected enforceDefaultTranslation -> null
- protected defaultLangcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected translations -> &array (5)
- ⧉x-default => array (2)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉entity => Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1862 (30)
- Properties (30)
- protected entityTypeId -> string (4) "node"
- protected enforceIsNew -> &null
- protected typedData -> null
- protected cacheContexts -> array (0)
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- ⧉protected values -> &array (25)
- ⧉nid => array (1)
- x-default => string (5) "70447"
- ⧉vid => array (1)
- x-default => string (5) "73575"
- ⧉type => array (1)
- x-default => string (7) "article"
- ⧉uuid => array (1)
- x-default => string (36) "a09d266f-4f6a-4411-8c6d-a101a52a62b2"
- ⧉langcode => array (5)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
- ⧉revision_uid => array (1)
- x-default => string (4) "3957"
- ⧉revision_timestamp => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720943575"
2024-07-14 07:52:55 UTC
- ⧉revision_log => array (1)
- x-default => null
- ⧉revision_default => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉isDefaultRevision => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉status => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (4) "3957"
- x-default => string (4) "3957"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (4) "3957"
- it => string (4) "3957"
- ⧉title => array (5)
- de => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- x-default => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- es => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS: un camino hacia el altruismo y la cooperación"
- fr => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS : un chemin vers l'altruisme et la coopération"
- it => string (47) "SERVAS: un percorso di altruismo e cooperazione"
- ⧉created => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1720941631"
2024-07-14 07:20:31 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720885667"
2024-07-13 15:47:47 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1720941654"
2024-07-14 07:20:54 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1720941592"
2024-07-14 07:19:52 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1720941678"
2024-07-14 07:21:18 UTC
- ⧉changed => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1720941638"
2024-07-14 07:20:38 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1720896606"
2024-07-13 18:50:06 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1720943024"
2024-07-14 07:43:44 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1720942444"
2024-07-14 07:34:04 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1720943575"
2024-07-14 07:52:55 UTC
- ⧉promote => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉sticky => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => null
- fr => null
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉content_translation_source => array (5)
- de => string (2) "en"
- x-default => string (3) "und"
- es => string (2) "en"
- fr => string (2) "en"
- it => string (2) "en"
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉body => array (5)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉it => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_category => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (2)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉1 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_main_picture => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_private => array (5)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉it => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- protected fields -> &array (0)
- protected fieldDefinitions -> null
- ⧉protected languages -> array (7)
- ⧉en => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1865 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Inglese"
- protected id -> string (2) "en"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 0
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉fr => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1867 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Francese"
- protected id -> string (2) "fr"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 1
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉de => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1864 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Tedesco"
- protected id -> string (2) "de"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 2
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉es => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1866 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Spagnolo"
- protected id -> string (2) "es"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 3
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉it => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1868 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Italiano"
- protected id -> string (2) "it"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 4
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉und => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1869 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (16) "Non specificato."
- protected id -> string (3) "und"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 5
- protected locked -> boolean true
- ⧉zxx => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1705 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (15) "Non applicabile"
- protected id -> string (3) "zxx"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 6
- protected locked -> boolean true
- protected langcodeKey -> string (8) "langcode"
- protected defaultLangcodeKey -> string (16) "default_langcode"
- protected activeLangcode -> string (9) "x-default"
- protected enforceDefaultTranslation -> null
- protected defaultLangcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected translations -> &array (5) Recursion
- protected translationInitialize -> boolean false
- protected newRevision -> &boolean false
- protected isDefaultRevision -> &string (1) "1"
- ⧉protected entityKeys -> &array (4)
- bundle => string (7) "article"
- id => string (5) "70447"
- revision => string (5) "73575"
- uuid => string (36) "a09d266f-4f6a-4411-8c6d-a101a52a62b2"
- ⧉protected translatableEntityKeys -> &array (8)
- ⧉label => array (5)
- de => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- x-default => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- es => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS: un camino hacia el altruismo y la cooperación"
- fr => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS : un chemin vers l'altruisme et la coopération"
- it => string (47) "SERVAS: un percorso di altruismo e cooperazione"
- ⧉langcode => array (5)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
- ⧉status => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉published => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (4) "3957"
- x-default => string (4) "3957"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (4) "3957"
- it => string (4) "3957"
- ⧉owner => array (5)
- de => string (4) "3957"
- x-default => string (4) "3957"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (4) "3957"
- it => string (4) "3957"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => null
- fr => null
- it => string (1) "1"
- protected validated -> boolean false
- protected validationRequired -> boolean false
- protected loadedRevisionId -> &string (5) "73575"
- protected revisionTranslationAffectedKey -> string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- protected enforceRevisionTranslationAffected -> &array (0)
- protected isSyncing -> &boolean false
- public in_preview -> null
- ⧉de => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉es => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉it => array (2)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉entity => Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1136 (30) Recursion
- protected translationInitialize -> boolean false
- protected newRevision -> &boolean false
- protected isDefaultRevision -> &string (1) "1"
- ⧉protected entityKeys -> &array (4)
- bundle => string (7) "article"
- id => string (5) "70447"
- revision => string (5) "73575"
- uuid => string (36) "a09d266f-4f6a-4411-8c6d-a101a52a62b2"
- ⧉protected translatableEntityKeys -> &array (8)
- ⧉label => array (5)
- de => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- x-default => string (42) "SERVAS: a path to altruism and cooperation"
- es => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS: un camino hacia el altruismo y la cooperación"
- fr => UTF-8 string (54) "SERVAS : un chemin vers l'altruisme et la coopération"
- it => string (47) "SERVAS: un percorso di altruismo e cooperazione"
- ⧉langcode => array (5)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
- ⧉status => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉published => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (4) "3957"
- x-default => string (4) "3957"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (4) "3957"
- it => string (4) "3957"
- ⧉owner => array (5)
- de => string (4) "3957"
- x-default => string (4) "3957"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (4) "3957"
- it => string (4) "3957"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => null
- fr => null
- it => string (1) "1"
- protected validated -> boolean false
- protected validationRequired -> boolean false
- protected loadedRevisionId -> &string (5) "73575"
- protected revisionTranslationAffectedKey -> string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- protected enforceRevisionTranslationAffected -> &array (0)
- protected isSyncing -> &boolean false
- ⇄public in_preview -> null$0->in_preview