- ⧉⌕Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1136 (30)
- Properties (30)
- protected entityTypeId -> string (4) "node"
- protected enforceIsNew -> &null
- protected typedData -> null
- protected cacheContexts -> array (0)
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- ⧉protected values -> &array (28)
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- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
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- ⧉revision_timestamp => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1729623917"
2024-10-22 19:05:17 UTC
- ⧉revision_log => array (1)
- x-default => null
- ⧉revision_default => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉isDefaultRevision => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
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- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉title => array (5)
- de => string (17) "Reisen mit Servas"
- x-default => string (22) "Travelling with Servas"
- es => string (17) "Viajar con Servas"
- fr => string (19) "Voyager avec Servas"
- it => string (20) "Viaggiare con Servas"
- ⧉created => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1712651707"
2024-04-09 08:35:07 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1431590418"
2015-05-14 08:00:18 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1729621074"
2024-10-22 18:17:54 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1712830292"
2024-04-11 10:11:32 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1712578466"
2024-04-08 12:14:26 UTC
- ⧉changed => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1727456802"
2024-09-27 17:06:42 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1729622924"
2024-10-22 18:48:44 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1729623917"
2024-10-22 19:05:17 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1727456944"
2024-09-27 17:09:04 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1727457762"
2024-09-27 17:22:42 UTC
- ⧉promote => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉sticky => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => null
- it => null
- ⧉content_translation_source => array (5)
- de => string (3) "und"
- x-default => string (3) "und"
- es => string (2) "en"
- fr => string (3) "und"
- it => string (3) "und"
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉body => array (5)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (9936) "<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Verbinde dich auf eine andere Art mit der Welt.</h2>...
<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Verbinde dich auf eine andere Art mit der Welt.</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Servas bietet Reisenden, die echte Verbindungen mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt suchen, eine einzigartige Gelegenheit. Wenn du dich der Servas-Gemeinschaft anschließt, öffnest du Türen zu bereichernden Erfahrungen und bedeutungsvollen Begegnungen.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Das Übernachten bei Servas-Gastgebern ermöglicht tiefere Einblicke in die Orte, die du besuchst, und erlaubt es dir, authentische Verbindungen zur lokalen Gemeinschaft aufzubauen. Während deines Aufenthalts hast du die Möglichkeit, dich in ihr tägliches Leben einzubringen und Tipps sowie Insiderinformationen darüber zu sammeln, was es zu sehen gibt und wo man essen kann. Du kannst Erfahrungen teilen und Gespräche genießen, die unsere Unterschiede anerkennen und unsere gemeinsame Menschlichkeit erkennen.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote {"customMainColor":"#f05322","textColor":"servas-orange"} --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote" style="border-color:#f05322"><blockquote class="has-text-color has-servas-orange-color"><p></p><p>Servas ist eine besondere Art, die Welt als einen Ort zu sehen, an dem es keine Fremden gibt.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Servas verkörpert den Glauben daran, dass die Welt ein Ort ist, an dem jeder willkommen ist. Unsere vielfältige Gemeinschaft von Reisenden umfasst alle Altersgruppen und Hintergründe, von erfahrenen Weltenbummlern bis hin zu denen, die ihre ersten internationalen Abenteuer beginnen. Was wir gemeinsam haben, ist Neugierde und die Bereitschaft, andere Kulturen mit offenem Geist zu erkunden.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:gallery {"ids":[146,156,280],"columns":2,"linkTo":"none","sizeSlug":"hero_article","mediaAttrs":{"146":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b627aa2a-5a45-4bb9-a433-3bd85c43015a","data-image-style":"original"},"156":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"31409b06-e684-446b-b7db-c695ed627b18","data-image-style":"original"},"280":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"4a3c7191-543d-45a3-ae5a-5ad72f3b5661","data-image-style":"original"}}} --> <figure class="wp-block-gallery columns-2 is-cropped"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg?itok=2rbB4b5L" alt="" data-id="146" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg" class="wp-image-146" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b627aa2a-5a45-4bb9-a433-3bd85c43015a" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png?itok=8jffk6Pl" alt="" data-id="156" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png" data-link="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png" class="wp-image-156" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="31409b06-e684-446b-b7db-c695ed627b18" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg?itok=Y2AMOzi1" alt="Four members of SYLE pose on mountain top in Italy" data-id="280" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" class="wp-image-280" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="4a3c7191-543d-45a3-ae5a-5ad72f3b5661" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li></ul></figure> <!-- /wp:gallery --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Der Beitritt zu Servas geht nicht nur darum, die Welt zu bereisen – es geht darum, Verständnis zu fördern und Frieden durch den Austausch von Ideen, Wissen und Erfahrungen zu fördern. Zusammen, als Reisende und Gastgeber, nehmen wir unsere Unterschiede an und tragen zu einer harmonischeren und nachhaltigeren Welt bei.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Nachhaltiges Reisen</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Das Reisen in ferne Länder ist ein großes Privileg und eines, das immer mehr Menschen auf der Welt zugänglich wird. Aber wir sind uns zunehmend der Auswirkungen dieses Privilegs auf die Umwelt bewusst. Wir müssen uns auf eine andere Art mit der Welt verbinden. Tourismus und internationales Reisen tragen enorm zur Wirtschaft vieler Länder bei, aber wir können handeln, um die negativen Folgen zu verringern oder auszugleichen.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Wir haben eine Liste von Tipps erstellt, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, dies zu tun, und auf unserer <strong><a href="/de/nuetzliche-links" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/nuetzliche-links">Links-Seite</a></strong> page, finden Sie andere Websites mit Informationen, die Ihnen hilfreich sein könnten. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/de/nachhaltige-reisetipps" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/nachhaltige-reisetipps">Nachhaltige Reisetipps</a> </strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Frauen, die alleine reisen</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>(Servas International Video)</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Wir haben mehrere weibliche Mitglieder von Servas angesprochen, um ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Alleinreisen zu teilen. Hier ist, was sie zu sagen hatten. Das Video wurde auf der Servas International Conference und Generalversammlung im November 2023 in Panchgani, Indien, präsentiert.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:embed {"url":"https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"youtube","responsive":true,"className":"wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"} --> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM </div></figure> <!-- /wp:embed --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Sie können auch die Geschichten von zwei Mitgliedern lesen, die ihre Erfahrungen als alleinreisende Frauen und die Unterstützung, die sie durch das Servas-Netzwerk gefunden haben, erzählen.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/de/frauen-reisen-mit-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/frauen-reisen-mit-servas">Frauen, die mit Servas reisen </a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Informationen für Reisende</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Wenn ein Reisender bei einem Servas-Gastgeber übernachtet, wird kein Geld ausgetauscht, aber die Gastfreundschaft wird persönlich vom Gastgeber geleistet, und der Reisende sollte seine Wertschätzung zeigen, indem er vereinbarte Verfahren und Verhaltensweisen einhält.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Wir haben eine Seite mit Richtlinien für Reisende zusammengestellt, die detailliert erklärt, welche Anforderungen wie das Erstellen Ihres Servas-Profils, das Finden und Kontaktaufnehmen eines Gastgebers und die Erwartungen an einen Servas-Aufenthalt erfüllt werden müssen.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/de/informationen-fuer-reisende" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/informationen-fuer-reisende">Informationen für Reisende</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Ethischer Kodex für Servas-Mitglieder</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Reisende und Gastgeber treten Servas bei mit dem gemeinsamen Glauben an den Umgang mit anderen mit Toleranz und Verständnis. Durch den Austausch von Ideen, Erfahrungen und Wissen können wir dazu beitragen, eine friedlichere Welt aufzubauen. Unsere Schlüsselwerte sind die Fürsorge für Menschen und den Planeten.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Der Ethische Kodex für Servas-Mitglieder wurde mit dem Ziel verfasst, sicherzustellen, dass Servas-Mitglieder die Vision, Mission und Werte von Servas verstehen und ihnen zustimmen.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/de/ethikkodex-fuer-servas-mitglieder" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/ethikkodex-fuer-servas-mitglieder"> Ethischer Kodex für Servas-Mitglieder</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Treten Sie Servas bei</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, mit Servas zu reisen, erfahren Sie, wie Sie Mitglied werden können.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/de/wie-man-servas-beitritt" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/wie-man-servas-beitritt">Wie man Servas beitritt</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => UTF-8 string (236) "Entdecke eine neue Art, mit den Ländern, die du besuchst, in Kontakt zu tret...
Entdecke eine neue Art, mit den Ländern, die du besuchst, in Kontakt zu treten. Servas öffnet Türen und bietet Möglichkeiten für Reisende, die sinnvolle Verbindungen mit Menschen aus aller Welt auf einer persönlichen Ebene suchen.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (9066) "<!-- wp:heading {"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h2 class="wp-block-hea...
<!-- wp:heading {"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Connect with the world in a different way</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Servas offers a unique opportunity for travellers seeking genuine connections with people from around the globe. By joining the Servas community, you'll open doors to enriching experiences and meaningful encounters.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Staying with Servas hosts provides a deeper insight into the places you visit and allows you to forge authentic connections with the local community. During your stay, you'll have the chance to involve yourself in their daily lives and gather tips and inside information on what to see and where to eat. You can share experiences and enjoy conversations that acknowledge our differences and recognise our shared humanity.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote {"textColor":"servas-orange","className":"has-border-color has-servas-orange-color has-text-color"} --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote has-border-color has-servas-orange-color has-text-color"><blockquote class="has-text-color has-servas-orange-color"><p>Servas is a special way of seeing the world as a place where there are no strangers.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Servas embodies the belief that the world is a place where everyone is welcome. Our diverse community of travellers spans all ages and backgrounds, from seasoned globetrotters to those embarking on their first international adventures. What we have in common is a curiosity and a willingness to encounter other cultures with an open mind. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:gallery {"ids":[10659],"columns":0,"linkTo":"none","sizeSlug":"hero_article","className":"has-nested-images","mediaAttrs":{"10659":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"bd33888d-826d-46a1-a6d7-075a3d566a53","data-image-style":"original"}}} --> <figure class="wp-block-gallery columns-0 is-cropped has-nested-images"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg?itok=U2zVw8di" alt="Four members of SYLE pose on mountain top in Italy" data-id="10659" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" class="wp-image-10659" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="bd33888d-826d-46a1-a6d7-075a3d566a53" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li></ul></figure> <!-- /wp:gallery --> <!-- wp:image {"id":10828,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none","mediaAttrs":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"061627f1-426e-4849-95bf-b21cca07345a","data-image-style":"original"}} --> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2024-04/ariel%20pic.png?itok=Ur8R6nYh" alt="ariel farfan, youth Brazil, on top of a mountain" class="wp-image-10828" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="061627f1-426e-4849-95bf-b21cca07345a" data-image-style="original"/></figure> <!-- /wp:image --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Joining Servas isn't just about travelling the world – it's about fostering understanding and promoting peace through the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences. Together, as travellers and hosts, we embrace our differences and contribute to a more harmonious and sustainable world.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Travelling sustainably</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Travelling to distant countries is a great privilege and one that is available to more and more people around the world. But we are increasingly aware of the impact that this privilege has on the environment. We do have to connect with the world in a different way. Tourism and international travel contribute enormously to the economies of many countries but we can act to reduce or counter the negative consequences.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>We have produced a list of tips to help you do this and, in our <strong><a href="/links" data-type="URL" data-id="/links">Links</a></strong> page, you can find other websites with information that you may find helpful.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/sustainable-travel-tips" data-type="URL" data-id="/sustainable-travel-tips">Sustainable travel tips</a> </strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Women travelling alone </h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>(Servas International video)</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>We approached several female members of Servas to share their experiences of solo travel. Here's what they had to say. The video was showcased at the Servas International Conference and General Assembly in Panchgani, India, in November 2023.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:embed {"url":"https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"youtube","responsive":true,"className":"wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"} --> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM </div></figure> <!-- /wp:embed --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>You can also read the stories told by two members about their experiences as women travelling alone and the support they found through the Servas network. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/women-travelling-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/women-travelling-servas">Women travelling with Servas </a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Information for travellers</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>When a traveller stays with a Servas host, no money is exchanged, but the hospitality provided is given personally by the host and the traveller should show appreciation by observing agreed procedures and conduct.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>We have compiled a page of guidance for travellers that explains in detail requirements such as creating your Servas profile, finding and contacting a host, and expectations around a Servas stay.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/information-travellers" data-type="URL" data-id="/information-travellers">Information for travellers</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Ethical Code for Servas Members</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Travellers and hosts join Servas with a shared belief in treating others with tolerance and understanding. By sharing ideas, experiences and knowledge, we can contribute to building a more peaceful world. Our key values are caring for people and the planet.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The Ethical Code for Servas Members has been written with the purpose of ensuring Servas members understand and agree with the vision, mission and values of Servas. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/ethical-code-servas-members" data-type="URL" data-id="/ethical-code-servas-members"> Ethical Code for Servas Members</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Join Servas</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>If you are interested in travelling with Servas, find out how you can become a member.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/how-join-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/how-join-servas">How to join Servas</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => string (206) "Discover a new way to connect with the countries you visit. Servas opens doo...
Discover a new way to connect with the countries you visit. Servas opens doors and provides opportunities for travellers seeking meaningful connections with people from across the globe on a personal level.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (9631) "<!-- wp:heading {"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h2 class="wp-block-hea...
<!-- wp:heading {"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h2 class="wp-block-heading">Conéctate con el mundo de una manera diferente</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><strong>Servas ofrece una oportunidad única para los viajeros que buscan conexiones genuinas con personas de todo el mundo. Al unirse a la comunidad Servas, abrirá las puertas a experiencias enriquecedoras y encuentros significativos.</strong></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Alojarse con anfitriones de Servas le permitirá conocer mejor los lugares que visita y forjar vínculos auténticos con la comunidad local. Durante su estadía, tendrá la oportunidad de involucrarse en su vida diaria y obtener consejos e información privilegiada sobre qué ver y dónde comer. Podrá compartir experiencias y disfrutar de conversaciones que reconozcan nuestras diferencias y nuestra humanidad compartida.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote {"textColor":"servas-orange","className":"has-border-color has-servas-orange-color has-text-color"} --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote has-border-color has-servas-orange-color has-text-color"><blockquote class="has-text-color has-servas-orange-color"><p>Servas es una forma especial de ver el mundo como un lugar donde no hay extraños..</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Servas encarna la creencia de que el mundo es un lugar donde todos son bienvenidos. Nuestra diversa comunidad de viajeros abarca todas las edades y orígenes, desde trotamundos experimentados hasta aquellos que se embarcan en sus primeras aventuras internacionales. Lo que tenemos en común es la curiosidad y la voluntad de conocer otras culturas con una mente abierta. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:gallery {"ids":[10659],"columns":0,"linkTo":"none","sizeSlug":"hero_article","className":"has-nested-images","mediaAttrs":{"10659":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"bd33888d-826d-46a1-a6d7-075a3d566a53","data-image-style":"original"}}} --> <figure class="wp-block-gallery columns-0 is-cropped has-nested-images"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg?itok=U2zVw8di" alt="Four members of SYLE pose on mountain top in Italy" data-id="10659" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" class="wp-image-10659" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="bd33888d-826d-46a1-a6d7-075a3d566a53" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li></ul></figure> <!-- /wp:gallery --> <!-- wp:image {"id":10828,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none","mediaAttrs":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"061627f1-426e-4849-95bf-b21cca07345a","data-image-style":"original"}} --> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/2024-04/ariel%20pic.png?itok=Ur8R6nYh" alt="ariel farfan, youth Brazil, on top of a mountain" class="wp-image-10828" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="061627f1-426e-4849-95bf-b21cca07345a" data-image-style="original"/></figure> <!-- /wp:image --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Unirse a Servas no se trata solo de viajar por el mundo: se trata de fomentar la comprensión y promover la paz a través del intercambio de ideas, conocimientos y experiencias. Juntos, como viajeros y anfitriones, aceptamos nuestras diferencias y contribuimos a un mundo más armonioso y sostenible.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Viajar de manera sostenible</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Viajar a países lejanos es un gran privilegio al alcance de cada vez más personas en todo el mundo, pero cada vez somos más conscientes del impacto que este privilegio tiene sobre el medio ambiente. Tenemos que conectarnos con el mundo de una manera diferente. El turismo y los viajes internacionales contribuyen enormemente a las economías de muchos países, pero podemos actuar para reducir o contrarrestar las consecuencias negativas.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Hemos elaborado una lista de consejos para ayudarle a hacerlo y, en nuestra página <a href="https://servas.org/links"><strong>de Enlaces</strong></a> , puede encontrar otros sitios web con información que puede resultarle útil.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/sustainable-travel-tips" data-type="URL" data-id="/sustainable-travel-tips"><a href="https://servas.org/sustainable-travel-tips"><strong>Consejos para viajes sostenibles</strong></a></a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Mujeres viajando solas </h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>(Vídeo "Women travelling alone")</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Contactamos a varias mujeres miembros de Servas para que compartieran sus experiencias de viajes en solitario. Esto es lo que tenían para decir. El video se presentó en la Conferencia y Asamblea General Internacional de Servas en Panchgani, India, en noviembre de 2023.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:embed {"url":"https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"youtube","responsive":true,"className":"wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"} --> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM </div></figure> <!-- /wp:embed --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>También podrás leer las historias contadas por dos miembros sobre sus experiencias como mujeres viajando solas y el apoyo que encontraron a través de la red Servas.read the stories told by two members about their experiences as women travelling alone and the support they found through the Servas network. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/women-travelling-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/women-travelling-servas">Women travelling with Servas </a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Información para viajeros</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Cuando un viajero se aloja con un anfitrión Servas, no se intercambia dinero, pero la hospitalidad brindada es brindada personalmente por el anfitrión y el viajero debe mostrar su agradecimiento observando los procedimientos y la conducta acordados.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Hemos compilado una página de orientación para viajeros que explica en detalle requisitos como crear un perfil en Servas, encontrar y contactar a un anfitrión y las expectativas en torno a una estadía en Servas..</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/information-travellers" data-type="URL" data-id="/information-travellers">Informción para viajeros</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Código ético de los miembros de Servas</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Los viajeros y anfitriones se unen a Servas con la creencia compartida de tratar a los demás con tolerancia y comprensión. Al compartir ideas, experiencias y conocimientos, podemos contribuir a construir un mundo más pacífico. Nuestros valores fundamentales son el cuidado de las personas y del planeta.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>El Código Ético para los Miembros de Servas ha sido escrito con el propósito de garantizar que los miembros de Servas comprendan y estén de acuerdo con la visión, la misión y los valores de Servas. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/ethical-code-servas-members" data-type="URL" data-id="/ethical-code-servas-members"> Código ético de los miembros de Servas</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"has-css-opacity is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator has-css-opacity is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"className":"wp-block-heading"} --> <h3 class="wp-block-heading">Unirse a Servas</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Si estás interesado en viajar con Servas, descubre cómo puedes hacerte miembro.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/how-join-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/how-join-servas">Como unirse a Servas</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => string (206) "Discover a new way to connect with the countries you visit. Servas opens doo...
Discover a new way to connect with the countries you visit. Servas opens doors and provides opportunities for travellers seeking meaningful connections with people from across the globe on a personal level.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (9957) "<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Connectez-vous avec le monde d'une manière différent...
<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Connectez-vous avec le monde d'une manière différente</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Servas offre une opportunité unique aux voyageurs en quête de véritables connexions avec des personnes du monde entier. En rejoignant la communauté Servas, vous ouvrirez des portes à des expériences enrichissantes et à des rencontres significatives.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Séjourner chez des hôtes Servas permet d'obtenir un aperçu plus profond des endroits que vous visitez et vous permet de nouer des liens authentiques avec la communauté locale. Pendant votre séjour, vous aurez l'occasion de vous impliquer dans leur vie quotidienne, de recueillir des conseils et des informations internes sur les lieux à visiter et où manger. Vous pouvez partager des expériences et profiter de conversations qui reconnaissent nos différences et reconnaissent notre humanité partagée.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote {"customMainColor":"#f05322","textColor":"servas-orange"} --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote" style="border-color:#f05322"><blockquote class="has-text-color has-servas-orange-color"><p>Servas est une manière spéciale de voir le monde comme un endroit où il n'y a pas d'étrangers.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Servas incarne la croyance que le monde est un lieu où tout le monde est le bienvenu. Notre communauté diversifiée de voyageurs couvre tous les âges et milieux, des globe-trotters chevronnés à ceux qui se lancent dans leurs premières aventures internationales. Ce que nous avons en commun, c'est une curiosité et une volonté de découvrir d'autres cultures avec un esprit ouvert.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:gallery {"ids":[146,156,280],"columns":2,"linkTo":"none","sizeSlug":"hero_article","mediaAttrs":{"146":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b627aa2a-5a45-4bb9-a433-3bd85c43015a","data-image-style":"original"},"156":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"31409b06-e684-446b-b7db-c695ed627b18","data-image-style":"original"},"280":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"4a3c7191-543d-45a3-ae5a-5ad72f3b5661","data-image-style":"original"}}} --> <figure class="wp-block-gallery columns-2 is-cropped"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg?itok=2rbB4b5L" alt="" data-id="146" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg" class="wp-image-146" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b627aa2a-5a45-4bb9-a433-3bd85c43015a" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png?itok=8jffk6Pl" alt="" data-id="156" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png" data-link="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png" class="wp-image-156" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="31409b06-e684-446b-b7db-c695ed627b18" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg?itok=Y2AMOzi1" alt="Four members of SYLE pose on mountain top in Italy" data-id="280" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" class="wp-image-280" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="4a3c7191-543d-45a3-ae5a-5ad72f3b5661" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li></ul></figure> <!-- /wp:gallery --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Rejoindre Servas ne se limite pas à parcourir le monde - il s'agit de favoriser la compréhension et de promouvoir la paix grâce à l'échange d'idées, de connaissances et d'expériences. Ensemble, en tant que voyageurs et hôtes, nous embrassons nos différences et contribuons à un monde plus harmonieux et durable.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Voyager de manière durable</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Voyager dans des pays lointains est un grand privilège et une opportunité de plus en plus accessible à de nombreuses personnes dans le monde. Mais nous sommes de plus en plus conscients de l'impact que ce privilège a sur l'environnement. Nous devons donc nous connecter avec le monde d'une manière différente. Le tourisme et les voyages internationaux contribuent énormément aux économies de nombreux pays, mais nous pouvons agir pour réduire ou contrer les conséquences négatives.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Nous avons produit une liste de conseils pour vous aider à y parvenir et, sur notre <a href="/fr/liens-utiles" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/liens-utiles">page Liens</a>, vous pouvez trouver d'autres sites Web avec des informations qui pourraient vous être utiles.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/fr/conseils-pour-un-voyage-durable" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/conseils-pour-un-voyage-durable">Conseils pour un voyage durable</a> </strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Femmes voyageant seules </h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>(Servas International vidéo)</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Nous avons approché plusieurs membres féminins de Servas pour partager leurs expériences de voyage en solo. Voici ce qu'elles avaient à dire. La vidéo a été présentée lors de la Conférence internationale et de l'Assemblée générale de Servas à Panchgani, en Inde, en novembre 2023.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:embed {"url":"https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"youtube","responsive":true,"className":"wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"} --> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM </div></figure> <!-- /wp:embed --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Vous pouvez également lire les récits de deux membres sur leurs expériences en tant que femmes voyageant seules et le soutien qu'elles ont trouvé grâce au réseau Servas.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/fr/femmes-voyageant-avec-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/femmes-voyageant-avec-servas">Femmes voyageant avec Servas </a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Informations pour les voyageurs</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Lorsqu'un voyageur séjourne chez un hôte Servas, aucun argent n'est échangé, mais l'hospitalité offerte est donnée personnellement par l'hôte et le voyageur doit montrer sa reconnaissance en respectant les procédures et le comportement convenus.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Nous avons compilé une page de conseils pour les voyageurs qui explique en détail les exigences telles que la création de votre profil Servas, la recherche et le contact avec un hôte, et les attentes concernant un séjour chez Servas.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/fr/information-aux-voyageurs" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/information-aux-voyageurs">Information aux voyageurs</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Code éthique pour les adhérents de Servas</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Les voyageurs et les hôtes rejoignent Servas avec la conviction commune de traiter les autres avec tolérance et compréhension. En partageant des idées, des expériences et des connaissances, nous pouvons contribuer à bâtir un monde plus paisible. Nos valeurs clés sont le souci des personnes et de la planète.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Le Code éthique pour les membres de Servas a été rédigé dans le but de garantir que les membres de Servas comprennent et acceptent la vision, la mission et les valeurs de Servas.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/fr/code-ethique-pour-membres-de-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/code-ethique-pour-membres-de-servas"> Code éthique pour les adhérents de Servas</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Comment rejoindre Servas</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Si vous êtes intéressé à voyager avec Servas, découvrez comment vous pouvez devenir membre.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/fr/comment-rejoindre-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/comment-rejoindre-servas">Comment rejoindre Servas</a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => UTF-8 string (243) "Découvre une nouvelle façon de tisser des liens avec les pays que tu visites...
Découvre une nouvelle façon de tisser des liens avec les pays que tu visites. Servas ouvre des portes et offre des opportunités aux voyageurs qui recherchent des liens significatifs avec des personnes du monde entier à un niveau personnel.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉it => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3)
- ⧉value => UTF-8 string (9727) "<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Connettersi con il mondo in modo diverso</h2> <!-- /...
<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Connettersi con il mondo in modo diverso</h2> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>Servas offre un'opportunità unica ai viaggiatori in cerca di legami autentici con persone di tutto il mondo. Associandovi a Servas, aprirete le porte a esperienze arricchenti e incontri di valore.</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Essere ospiti presso gli host Servas vi permette di conoscere più a fondo i luoghi che visitate e di creare legami autentici con la comunità locale. Durante il vostro soggiorno, avrete la possibilità di partecipare alla loro vita quotidiana e di raccogliere consigli e informazioni su cosa vedere e dove mangiare. Potrete condividere esperienze e conversazioni che riconoscono le nostre differenze e la nostra comune umanità.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:pullquote {"customMainColor":"#f05322","textColor":"servas-orange"} --> <figure class="wp-block-pullquote" style="border-color:#f05322"><blockquote class="has-text-color has-servas-orange-color"><p>Servas è un modo speciale di vedere il mondo come un luogo in cui non ci sono estranei.</p></blockquote></figure> <!-- /wp:pullquote --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Servas vive nella convinzione che il mondo sia un luogo dove tutti siano i benvenuti. La nostra variegata comunità di viaggiatori è composta da persone di tutte le età e estrazioni, dai giramondo esperti a coloro che si imbarcano per la prima volta in un'avventura internazionale. Ciò che ci accomuna è la curiosità e la volontà di incontrare altre culture con una mente aperta.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:gallery {"ids":[146,156,280],"columns":2,"linkTo":"none","sizeSlug":"hero_article","mediaAttrs":{"146":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"b627aa2a-5a45-4bb9-a433-3bd85c43015a","data-image-style":"original"},"156":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"31409b06-e684-446b-b7db-c695ed627b18","data-image-style":"original"},"280":{"data-entity-type":"file","data-entity-uuid":"4a3c7191-543d-45a3-ae5a-5ad72f3b5661","data-image-style":"original"}}} --> <figure class="wp-block-gallery columns-2 is-cropped"><ul class="blocks-gallery-grid"><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg?itok=2rbB4b5L" alt="" data-id="146" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/inline-images/dmitrii-vaccinium-9qsK2QHidmg-unsplash.jpg" class="wp-image-146" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="b627aa2a-5a45-4bb9-a433-3bd85c43015a" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png?itok=8jffk6Pl" alt="" data-id="156" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png" data-link="/sites/default/files/inline-images/Ska%CC%88rmavbild%202023-09-28%20kl.%2019.10.12.png" class="wp-image-156" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="31409b06-e684-446b-b7db-c695ed627b18" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li><li class="blocks-gallery-item"><figure><img src="/sites/default/files/styles/hero_article/public/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg?itok=Y2AMOzi1" alt="Four members of SYLE pose on mountain top in Italy" data-id="280" data-full-url="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" data-link="/sites/default/files/2024-01/young%20members%20on%20mountain%20crop_0.jpg" class="wp-image-280" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="4a3c7191-543d-45a3-ae5a-5ad72f3b5661" data-image-style="original"/></figure></li></ul></figure> <!-- /wp:gallery --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Unirsi a Servas non significa solo viaggiare per il mondo, ma anche favorire la comprensione e promuovere la pace attraverso lo scambio di idee, conoscenze ed esperienze. Insieme, come viaggiatori e ospitanti, abbracciamo le nostre differenze e contribuiamo a un mondo più armonioso e sostenibile.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Viaggiare in modo sostenibile</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Viaggiare in paesi lontani è un grande privilegio, a disposizione di un numero sempre maggiore di persone in tutto il mondo. Ma siamo sempre più consapevoli dell'impatto che questo privilegio ha sull'ambiente. Dobbiamo entrare in contatto con il mondo in modo diverso. Il turismo e i viaggi internazionali contribuiscono enormemente alle economie di molti paesi, ma possiamo agire per ridurre o contrastare le conseguenze negative.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Abbiamo stilato un elenco di consigli per aiutarvi a farlo e, nella nostra pagina dei link, potete trovare altri siti web con informazioni che potrebbero esservi utili.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="/sustainable-travel-tips" data-type="URL" data-id="/sustainable-travel-tips"></a><a href="/it/consigli-un-viaggio-sostenibile" data-type="URL" data-id="/it/consigli-un-viaggio-sostenibile"><strong>Consigli per un viaggio sostenibile</strong></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Donne che viaggiano da sole</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong>(Video di Servas International)</strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Abbiamo chiesto a diverse donne membri di Servas di condividere le loro esperienze di viaggio da sole. Ecco cosa ci hanno detto. Il video è stato presentato alla Conferenza internazionale e all'Assemblea Generale di Servas a Panchgani, in India, nel novembre 2023.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:embed {"url":"https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM","type":"rich","providerNameSlug":"youtube","responsive":true,"className":"wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"} --> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> https://youtu.be/P2wsw7_9IAM </div></figure> <!-- /wp:embed --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Potete anche leggere le storie raccontate da due socie sulle loro esperienze di donne che viaggiano da sole e sul sostegno che hanno trovato attraverso la rete Servas.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><strong><a href="/it/donne-che-viaggiano-con-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/it/donne-che-viaggiano-con-servas">Donne che viaggiano con Servas </a></strong></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Informazioni per i viaggiatori</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Quando un viaggiatore soggiorna presso un ospite Servas, non c'è alcuno scambio di denaro, ma l'ospitalità è offerta personalmente dall'ospite e il viaggiatore dovrebbe mostrare apprezzamento osservando le procedure e i comportamenti concordati.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Abbiamo compilato una pagina di guida per i viaggiatori che spiega in dettaglio requisiti quali la creazione del profilo Servas, la ricerca e il contatto con un ospite e le aspettative di un soggiorno Servas.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="/node/1042" data-type="[EN] page" data-id="1042"></a><a href="/it/informazioni-i-viaggiatori" data-type="URL" data-id="/it/informazioni-i-viaggiatori"><strong>Informazioni per i viaggiatori</strong></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Codice etico per i soci Servas</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I viaggiatori e gli ospiti aderiscono a Servas con la convinzione comune di trattare gli altri con tolleranza e comprensione. Condividendo idee, esperienze e conoscenze, possiamo contribuire a costruire un mondo più pacifico. I nostri valori chiave sono la cura delle persone e del pianeta.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Il Codice Etico per i Soci Servas è stato redatto allo scopo di garantire che i soci Servas comprendano e condividano la visione, la missione e i valori di Servas.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="/node/1312" data-type="[EN] page" data-id="1312"></a><a href="/it/codice-etico-i-soci-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/it/codice-etico-i-soci-servas"><strong>Codice Etico per i Soci Servas</strong></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} --> <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/> <!-- /wp:separator --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Unisciti a Servas</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Se siete interessati a viaggiare con Servas, scoprite come diventare soci.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --> <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><a href="/how-join-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/how-join-servas"></a><a href="/it/come-iscriversi-a-servas" data-type="URL" data-id="/it/come-iscriversi-a-servas"><strong>Come iscriversi a Servas</strong></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
- ⧉summary => UTF-8 string (215) "Scopri un nuovo modo per connetterti con i paesi che visiti. Servas apre por...
Scopri un nuovo modo per connetterti con i paesi che visiti. Servas apre porte e offre opportunità ai viaggiatori che cercano connessioni significative con persone provenienti da tutto il mondo a livello personale.
- format => string (9) "gutenberg"
- ⧉field_category => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- target_id => string (4) "1984"
- ⧉field_full_related_pages => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉field_main_picture => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- target_id => string (3) "326"
- ⧉field_private => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (1) "0"
- ⧉field_related_page => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (5)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- target_id => string (5) "67729"
- ⧉1 => array (1)
- target_id => string (5) "67767"
- ⧉2 => array (1)
- target_id => string (5) "67734"
- ⧉3 => array (1)
- target_id => string (5) "67739"
- ⧉4 => array (1)
- target_id => string (5) "67783"
- ⧉field_secondary_picture => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- target_id => string (3) "264"
- protected fields -> &array (0)
- ⧉protected fieldDefinitions -> array (30)
- ⧉nid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1902 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1903 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "ID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "nid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1904 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:integer"
- ⧉settings => array (6)
- unsigned => boolean true
- size => string (6) "normal"
- min => string (0) ""
- max => string (0) ""
- prefix => string (0) ""
- suffix => string (0) ""
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1902 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "integer"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉uuid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1905 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1906 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (4) "UUID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (4) "uuid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1907 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (15) "field_item:uuid"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- max_length => integer 128
- is_ascii => boolean true
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1905 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (4) "uuid"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉vid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1908 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (6)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1909 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Revision ID"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "vid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1910 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:integer"
- ⧉settings => array (6)
- unsigned => boolean true
- size => string (6) "normal"
- min => string (0) ""
- max => string (0) ""
- prefix => string (0) ""
- suffix => string (0) ""
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1908 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "integer"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉langcode => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1912 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (8) "Language"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉display => array (2)
- Table (2)
- Contents (2)
options configurable view array (1) true form array (2) true - ⧉view => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (1)
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- configurable => boolean true
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (15) "language_select"
- weight => integer 2
- configurable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (8) "langcode"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1913 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (19) "field_item:language"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (8) "language"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉type => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1914 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- label => string (17) "Tipo di contenuto"
- required => boolean true
- read-only => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (4) "type"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1915 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (9) "node_type"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1914 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_timestamp => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1916 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1917 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Revision create time"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1918 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (47) "The time that the current revision was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (18) "revision_timestamp"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1919 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:created"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1916 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "created"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1920 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (7)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1921 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (13) "Revision user"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1922 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (50) "The user ID of the author of the current revision."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (12) "revision_uid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1923 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (4) "user"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1920 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_log => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1924 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1925 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Revision log message"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1926 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (43) "Briefly describe the changes you have made."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (0) ""
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (30) "hide_revision_field_log_widget"
- weight => integer 80
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (12) "revision_log"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1927 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (22) "field_item:string_long"
- ⧉settings => array (1)
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1924 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (11) "string_long"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉status => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1928 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1929 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "Published"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
- ⧉settings => array (1) Depth Limit
- weight => integer 120
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (6) "status"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1930 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1931 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1932 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1928 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1933 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1934 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Authored by"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- default_value_callback => string (46) "Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner"
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1935 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (35) "The username of the content author."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (6) "author"
- weight => integer 0
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (29) "entity_reference_autocomplete"
- weight => integer 5
- ⧉settings => array (3) Depth Limit
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (3) "uid"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1936 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (4) "user"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1933 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉title => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1937 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1938 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (5) "Title"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- required => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (6) "string"
- weight => integer -5
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (16) "string_textfield"
- weight => integer -5
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (5) "title"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1939 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (17) "field_item:string"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- max_length => integer 255
- is_ascii => boolean false
- case_sensitive => boolean false
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1937 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (6) "string"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉created => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1940 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1941 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (11) "Authored on"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1942 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (47) "The date and time that the content was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- type => string (9) "timestamp"
- weight => integer 0
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (18) "datetime_timestamp"
- weight => integer 10
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (7) "created"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1943 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:created"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1940 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "created"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉changed => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1944 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1945 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (7) "Changed"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1946 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (39) "The time that the node was last edited."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (7) "changed"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1947 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:changed"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1944 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "changed"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉promote => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride#1997 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (19) "base_field_override"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (17) "node.page.promote"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "bc46b70a-6739-48c3-b22a-efbc208495d7"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- ⧉protected _core -> array (1)
- default_config_hash => string (43) "fPUEnm4T5zfZRr3ttDUqq7yCDd2uW3clWD-pvos4tlQ"
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (1)
- 0 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (17) "node.page.promote"
- protected field_name -> string (7) "promote"
- protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (26) "Promosso alla prima pagina"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- on_label => string (6) "Acceso"
- off_label => string (6) "Spento"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- ⧉protected default_value -> array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => integer 0
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected baseFieldDefinition -> null
- ⧉sticky => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1953 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1954 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (22) "Sticky at top of lists"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (3)
- type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
- ⧉settings => array (1) Depth Limit
- weight => integer 16
- configurable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (6) "sticky"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1955 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1956 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1957 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1953 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉default_langcode => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1958 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1959 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (19) "Default translation"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1960 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (58) "A flag indicating whether this is the default translation."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (16) "default_langcode"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1961 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1962 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1963 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1958 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_default => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1964 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1965 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (16) "Default revision"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1966 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (72) "A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- storage_required => boolean true
- internal => boolean true
- translatable => boolean false
- revisionable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (16) "revision_default"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1967 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1968 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1969 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1964 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1970 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (9)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1971 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (29) "Revision translation affected"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1972 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (72) "Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- read-only => boolean true
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "node"
- field_name => string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1973 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1974 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1975 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1970 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉metatag => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1976 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1977 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (40) "Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1978 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (38) "The computed meta tags for the entity."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- computed => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- read-only => boolean true
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- cardinality => integer -1
- provider => string (7) "metatag"
- field_name => string (7) "metatag"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1979 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:metatag_computed"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1976 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "metatag_computed"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉path => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1980 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (8)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1981 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "URL alias"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- translatable => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (1)
- ⧉form => array (2)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- type => string (4) "path"
- weight => integer 30
- configurable => boolean true
- computed => boolean true
- provider => string (4) "path"
- field_name => string (4) "path"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1982 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (15) "field_item:path"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1980 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (4) "path"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉menu_link => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1983 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (12)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1984 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (9) "Menu link"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1985 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (68) "Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving)."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- revisionable => boolean true
- class => string (35) "\Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList"
- translatable => boolean true
- internal => boolean true
- ⧉display => array (2)
- ⧉view => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (2)
- label => string (6) "hidden"
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- ⧉form => array (1)
- ⧉options => array (1)
- region => string (6) "hidden"
- computed => boolean true
- provider => string (5) "token"
- field_name => string (9) "menu_link"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1986 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
- ⧉settings => array (3)
- target_type => string (17) "menu_link_content"
- handler => string (7) "default"
- handler_settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1983 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉content_translation_source => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1987 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1988 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (18) "Translation source"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1989 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (60) "The source language from which this translation was created."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (3) "und"
- ⧉initial_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => string (3) "und"
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (19) "content_translation"
- field_name => string (26) "content_translation_source"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1990 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (19) "field_item:language"
- settings => array (0)
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1987 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (8) "language"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1991 (7)
- Properties (7)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (10)
- ⧉label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1992 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (20) "Translation outdated"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1993 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (66) "A boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated."
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉default_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- ⧉initial_value => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => boolean false
- revisionable => boolean true
- translatable => boolean true
- provider => string (19) "content_translation"
- field_name => string (28) "content_translation_outdated"
- entity_type => string (4) "node"
- bundle => null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1994 (3)
- Properties (3)
- ⧉protected definition -> array (2)
- type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
- ⧉settings => array (2)
- ⧉on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1995 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (2) "On"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- ⧉off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1996 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected string -> string (3) "Off"
- protected arguments -> array (0)
- protected translatedMarkup -> null
- protected options -> array (0)
- protected stringTranslation -> null
- protected typedDataManager -> null
- ⧉protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1991 (7) Recursion
- protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected propertyDefinitions -> null
- protected schema -> null
- protected indexes -> array (0)
- ⧉body => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1998 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (14) "node.page.body"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "e717c969-ef12-477d-8b29-8c4ad247b3ec"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- ⧉protected _core -> array (1)
- default_config_hash => string (43) "KgVkxLl_K3E3lvN6CEoWQIDT0V8J4Mv-fVYrAIc7-FE"
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (2)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (23) "field.storage.node.body"
- 1 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- ⧉module => array (1)
- 0 => string (4) "text"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (14) "node.page.body"
- protected field_name -> string (4) "body"
- protected field_type -> string (17) "text_with_summary"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (5) "Corpo"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (3)
- display_summary => boolean true
- required_summary => boolean false
- allowed_formats => array (0)
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean true
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_category => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1999 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (24) "node.page.field_category"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "cc1e9023-2cf4-49da-ae16-128ca88f9441"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (33) "field.storage.node.field_category"
- 1 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- 2 => string (36) "taxonomy.vocabulary.content_category"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (24) "node.page.field_category"
- protected field_name -> string (14) "field_category"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (16) "Content category"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (21) "default:taxonomy_term"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- content_category => string (16) "content_category"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (4) "name"
- direction => string (3) "asc"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_full_related_pages => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2000 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (34) "node.page.field_full_related_pages"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "add2e2d9-d338-4897-847f-9140c76fd07b"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (43) "field.storage.node.field_full_related_pages"
- 1 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (34) "node.page.field_full_related_pages"
- protected field_name -> string (24) "field_full_related_pages"
- protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (18) "Full related pages"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- on_label => string (3) "Yes"
- off_label => string (2) "No"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- ⧉protected default_value -> array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => integer 0
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_main_picture => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2001 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (28) "node.page.field_main_picture"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "9f82c471-ebb9-4c07-a9a0-c66053ef277c"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (37) "field.storage.node.field_main_picture"
- 1 => string (16) "media.type.image"
- 2 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (28) "node.page.field_main_picture"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_main_picture"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (12) "Main picture"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (13) "default:media"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- image => string (5) "image"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (5) "_none"
- direction => string (3) "ASC"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_private => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2002 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (23) "node.page.field_private"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "8c6efb6e-9827-4da4-86d8-eeb6ada7f07d"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (32) "field.storage.node.field_private"
- 1 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (23) "node.page.field_private"
- protected field_name -> string (13) "field_private"
- protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (7) "Privato"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- on_label => UTF-8 string (3) "Sì"
- off_label => string (2) "No"
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- ⧉protected default_value -> array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1)
- value => integer 0
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_related_page => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2003 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (28) "node.page.field_related_page"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "64598da0-b93c-4d7f-b639-817b131a480b"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (2)
- 0 => string (37) "field.storage.node.field_related_page"
- 1 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (28) "node.page.field_related_page"
- protected field_name -> string (18) "field_related_page"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (12) "Related page"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (12) "default:node"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- page => string (4) "page"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (5) "_none"
- direction => string (3) "ASC"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉field_secondary_picture => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#2004 (35)
- Properties (36)
- public original -> undefined
- protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
- protected enforceIsNew -> null
- protected typedData -> null
- ⧉protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
- 0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- protected originalId -> string (33) "node.page.field_secondary_picture"
- protected status -> boolean true
- protected uuid -> string (36) "4bc05e8d-1eb4-4129-92f9-5aebafb72d35"
- private isUninstalling -> boolean false
- protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
- protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
- protected _core -> array (0)
- protected trustedData -> boolean false
- ⧉protected dependencies -> array (1)
- ⧉config => array (3)
- 0 => string (42) "field.storage.node.field_secondary_picture"
- 1 => string (16) "media.type.image"
- 2 => string (14) "node.type.page"
- protected isSyncing -> boolean false
- protected id -> string (33) "node.page.field_secondary_picture"
- protected field_name -> string (23) "field_secondary_picture"
- protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
- protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
- protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
- protected label -> string (17) "Secondary picture"
- protected description -> string (0) ""
- ⧉protected settings -> array (2)
- handler => string (13) "default:media"
- ⧉handler_settings => array (4)
- ⧉target_bundles => array (1)
- image => string (5) "image"
- ⧉sort => array (2)
- field => string (5) "_none"
- direction => string (3) "ASC"
- auto_create => boolean false
- auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
- protected required -> boolean false
- protected translatable -> boolean false
- protected default_value -> array (0)
- protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
- protected fieldStorage -> null
- protected itemDefinition -> null
- protected constraints -> array (0)
- protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
- protected deleted -> boolean false
- ⧉protected languages -> array (7)
- ⧉en => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1865 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Inglese"
- protected id -> string (2) "en"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 0
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉fr => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1867 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Francese"
- protected id -> string (2) "fr"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 1
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉de => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1864 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Tedesco"
- protected id -> string (2) "de"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 2
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉es => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1866 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Spagnolo"
- protected id -> string (2) "es"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 3
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉it => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1868 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Italiano"
- protected id -> string (2) "it"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 4
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉und => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1869 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (16) "Non specificato."
- protected id -> string (3) "und"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 5
- protected locked -> boolean true
- ⧉zxx => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1705 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (15) "Non applicabile"
- protected id -> string (3) "zxx"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 6
- protected locked -> boolean true
- protected langcodeKey -> string (8) "langcode"
- protected defaultLangcodeKey -> string (16) "default_langcode"
- protected activeLangcode -> string (2) "it"
- protected enforceDefaultTranslation -> null
- protected defaultLangcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected translations -> &array (5)
- ⧉x-default => array (2)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉entity => Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1862 (30)
- Properties (30)
- protected entityTypeId -> string (4) "node"
- protected enforceIsNew -> &null
- protected typedData -> null
- protected cacheContexts -> array (0)
- protected cacheTags -> array (0)
- protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
- protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
- protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
- ⧉protected values -> &array (28)
- ⧉nid => array (1)
- x-default => string (5) "67776"
- ⧉vid => array (1)
- x-default => string (5) "91056"
- ⧉type => array (1)
- x-default => string (4) "page"
- ⧉uuid => array (1)
- x-default => string (36) "a397a88c-adc7-4538-9b9d-7bb77a04b2ca"
- ⧉langcode => array (5)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
- ⧉revision_uid => array (1)
- x-default => string (4) "6072"
- ⧉revision_timestamp => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1729623917"
2024-10-22 19:05:17 UTC
- ⧉revision_log => array (1)
- x-default => null
- ⧉revision_default => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉isDefaultRevision => array (1)
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- ⧉status => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉title => array (5)
- de => string (17) "Reisen mit Servas"
- x-default => string (22) "Travelling with Servas"
- es => string (17) "Viajar con Servas"
- fr => string (19) "Voyager avec Servas"
- it => string (20) "Viaggiare con Servas"
- ⧉created => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1712651707"
2024-04-09 08:35:07 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1431590418"
2015-05-14 08:00:18 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1729621074"
2024-10-22 18:17:54 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1712830292"
2024-04-11 10:11:32 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1712578466"
2024-04-08 12:14:26 UTC
- ⧉changed => array (5)
- ⧉de => string (10) "1727456802"
2024-09-27 17:06:42 UTC
- ⧉x-default => string (10) "1729622924"
2024-10-22 18:48:44 UTC
- ⧉es => string (10) "1729623917"
2024-10-22 19:05:17 UTC
- ⧉fr => string (10) "1727456944"
2024-09-27 17:09:04 UTC
- ⧉it => string (10) "1727457762"
2024-09-27 17:22:42 UTC
- ⧉promote => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉sticky => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => null
- it => null
- ⧉content_translation_source => array (5)
- de => string (3) "und"
- x-default => string (3) "und"
- es => string (2) "en"
- fr => string (3) "und"
- it => string (3) "und"
- ⧉content_translation_outdated => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "0"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉body => array (5)
- ⧉de => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉es => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉it => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (3) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_category => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_full_related_pages => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_main_picture => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_private => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_related_page => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (5)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉1 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉2 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉3 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉4 => array (1) Depth Limit
- ⧉field_secondary_picture => array (1)
- ⧉x-default => array (1)
- ⧉0 => array (1) Depth Limit
- protected fields -> &array (0)
- protected fieldDefinitions -> null
- ⧉protected languages -> array (7)
- ⧉en => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1865 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Inglese"
- protected id -> string (2) "en"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 0
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉fr => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1867 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Francese"
- protected id -> string (2) "fr"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 1
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉de => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1864 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (7) "Tedesco"
- protected id -> string (2) "de"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 2
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉es => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1866 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Spagnolo"
- protected id -> string (2) "es"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 3
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉it => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1868 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (8) "Italiano"
- protected id -> string (2) "it"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 4
- protected locked -> boolean false
- ⧉und => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1869 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (16) "Non specificato."
- protected id -> string (3) "und"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 5
- protected locked -> boolean true
- ⧉zxx => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1705 (5)
- Properties (5)
- protected name -> string (15) "Non applicabile"
- protected id -> string (3) "zxx"
- protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
- protected weight -> integer 6
- protected locked -> boolean true
- protected langcodeKey -> string (8) "langcode"
- protected defaultLangcodeKey -> string (16) "default_langcode"
- protected activeLangcode -> string (9) "x-default"
- protected enforceDefaultTranslation -> null
- protected defaultLangcode -> string (2) "en"
- ⧉protected translations -> &array (5) Recursion
- protected translationInitialize -> boolean false
- protected newRevision -> &boolean false
- protected isDefaultRevision -> &string (1) "1"
- ⧉protected entityKeys -> &array (4)
- bundle => string (4) "page"
- id => string (5) "67776"
- revision => string (5) "91056"
- uuid => string (36) "a397a88c-adc7-4538-9b9d-7bb77a04b2ca"
- ⧉protected translatableEntityKeys -> &array (8)
- ⧉label => array (5)
- de => string (17) "Reisen mit Servas"
- x-default => string (22) "Travelling with Servas"
- es => string (17) "Viajar con Servas"
- fr => string (19) "Voyager avec Servas"
- it => string (20) "Viaggiare con Servas"
- ⧉langcode => array (5)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
- ⧉status => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉published => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉owner => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => null
- it => null
- protected validated -> boolean false
- protected validationRequired -> boolean false
- protected loadedRevisionId -> &string (5) "91056"
- protected revisionTranslationAffectedKey -> string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- protected enforceRevisionTranslationAffected -> &array (0)
- protected isSyncing -> &boolean false
- public in_preview -> null
- ⧉de => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉es => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉fr => array (1)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉it => array (2)
- status => integer 1
- ⧉entity => Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1136 (30) Recursion
- protected translationInitialize -> boolean false
- protected newRevision -> &boolean false
- protected isDefaultRevision -> &string (1) "1"
- ⧉protected entityKeys -> &array (4)
- bundle => string (4) "page"
- id => string (5) "67776"
- revision => string (5) "91056"
- uuid => string (36) "a397a88c-adc7-4538-9b9d-7bb77a04b2ca"
- ⧉protected translatableEntityKeys -> &array (8)
- ⧉label => array (5)
- de => string (17) "Reisen mit Servas"
- x-default => string (22) "Travelling with Servas"
- es => string (17) "Viajar con Servas"
- fr => string (19) "Voyager avec Servas"
- it => string (20) "Viaggiare con Servas"
- ⧉langcode => array (5)
- x-default => string (2) "en"
- de => string (2) "de"
- es => string (2) "es"
- fr => string (2) "fr"
- it => string (2) "it"
- ⧉status => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉published => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉uid => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉owner => array (5)
- de => string (1) "1"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (4) "3957"
- fr => string (1) "1"
- it => string (1) "1"
- ⧉default_langcode => array (5)
- de => string (1) "0"
- x-default => string (1) "1"
- es => string (1) "0"
- fr => string (1) "0"
- it => string (1) "0"
- ⧉revision_translation_affected => array (5)
- de => null
- x-default => null
- es => string (1) "1"
- fr => null
- it => null
- protected validated -> boolean false
- protected validationRequired -> boolean false
- protected loadedRevisionId -> &string (5) "91056"
- protected revisionTranslationAffectedKey -> string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
- protected enforceRevisionTranslationAffected -> &array (0)
- protected isSyncing -> &boolean false
- ⇄public in_preview -> null$0->in_preview