Devel Load

Drupal\node\Entity\Node#1843 (30)
  • Properties (30)
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    x-default => string (23) "SI committees and teams"
    es => UTF-8 string (24) "Comités y equipos de SI"
    fr => UTF-8 string (23) "Comités et équipes SI"
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    2024-07-03 16:56:34 UTC
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    value => UTF-8 string (13147) "<!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left"} --> <h2 class="has-text-align-left">Ser...
    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left"} -->
    <h2 class="has-text-align-left">Servas Internationale Ausschüsse und Teams</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas International (SI) ist ein globaler Verband, der demokratisch von SI-Mitgliedsgruppen regiert wird, die Entscheidungen auf einer SI-Generalversammlung (SIGA) treffen, die in der Regel alle drei Jahre stattfindet, und durch einen jährlichen SI-Fernabstimmungsprozess.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Das globale Vorstandsgremium von Servas International, SI Exco, zusammen mit anderen gewählten SI-Ausschüssen und ernannten Teams, trifft und führt tagtäglich operative Entscheidungen durch, die auf den auf SIGA und SI-Fernabstimmungen getroffenen Entscheidungen beruhen.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Mitglieder der SI-Ausschüsse werden auf der SIGA gewählt. Mitglieder der SI-Teams werden von SI Exco ernannt. Innerhalb jedes Ausschusses oder Teams soll ein Beauftragter ausgewählt und wenn möglich ein junges Mitglied als Assistent ernannt werden. Die Amtszeit für SI-Ausschüsse und Teams endet spätestens drei Monate nach einer Generalversammlung.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Für Informationen über die täglichen Operationen von Servas in Deinem Herkunftsland oder Wohnsitzland gehe auf die Webseite dieser Servas-Gruppe.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p> Für detaillierte Informationen über die verschiedenen Rollen in der Servas-International-Governance und eine Beschreibung der verschiedenen Ausschüsse und Teams gehe zu <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"><strong>Servas Job Descriptions</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:separator -->
    <hr class="wp-block-separator"/>
    <!-- /wp:separator -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left","level":3} -->
    <h3 class="has-text-align-left">Gewählte Servas International Ausschüsse</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. SI Exekutivausschuss (SI Exco)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Der globale Vorstand von Servas International, der Exekutivausschuss von Servas International (SI Exco), ist verantwortlich für den täglichen Betrieb von Servas International zwischen SIGAs (Servas International Generalversammlungen). Die Entscheidungen und Maßnahmen des Vorstands sollten im Einklang mit den auf SIGAs und SI-Fernabstimmungen getroffenen Entscheidungen stehen.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Arbeit des SI Exco wird durch die Statuten von Servas International (2022) geregelt, in denen festgelegt ist, dass die Ausgaben des Vorstands auf den von der SIGA verabschiedeten Haushalt begrenzt sind und dass er jeden Servas-Beamten ernennen soll, der nicht auf der SIGA gewählt wurde.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>SI Exco trägt die Gesamtverantwortung für die Wartung und Entwicklung der und des Mitgliedersystems von Servas International.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Der SI Exco ist auch für die Planung und Durchführung der Servas International Conference and General Assembly (SICOGA) verantwortlich, die alle drei bis vier Jahre als physisches und virtuelles Treffen stattfindet. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Servas-Mitgliedsgruppe, die die Veranstaltung ausrichtet, werden SICOGAs mit einer großen Anzahl einzelner Servas-Freiwilliger organisiert.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der satzungsgemäßen Aufgaben des SI-Exekutivausschusses findest du in den <a href=" (1).pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Statuten von Servas International</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Mitglieder des SI-Exekutivausschusses und ihre Kontaktdaten findest du unter <a href="/de/si-exco" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/si-exco"><strong>SI-Exekutivausschuss</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p> </p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. SI Audit Committee</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Verantwortung dieses Ausschusses besteht darin, eine interne Prüfung der jährlichen Finanzaufstellungen von SI durchzuführen und den jährlichen Haushaltsplan und den tatsächlichen Bericht des SI-Schatzmeisters zu überprüfen. Die Berichte des Prüfungsausschusses werden zur Annahme entweder auf der SIGA oder über den SI-Fernabstimmungsprozess eingereicht.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Mitglieder des Prüfungsausschusses:</strong> <br>Gülşen Elyak – Türkiye (Convener), Ana Rita Gama – Portugal. Yukiko Namariyama – Japan</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Kontaktiere das SI Audit Committee unter <a></a></em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. SI Entwicklungsausschuss (SI DC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Verantwortung des Ausschusses besteht darin, die Entwicklung in allen Servas-Regionen zu fördern und zu unterstützen. Er ist auch für die Verwaltung des SI-Entwicklungsfonds zuständig, indem er Kriterien festlegt, Antragstellern hilft, Anträge bewertet und empfiehlt, sowie Unterstützung und Nachverfolgung leistet. Zu den weiteren Aufgaben des DC gehört die Unterstützung von Bereichen, in denen Servas gestärkt oder entwickelt werden muss, die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Jugend- und Familienausschuss zur Unterstützung von Jugendinitiativen und der Beteiligung junger Mitglieder an Servas-Aktivitäten sowie die Förderung von Friedensinitiativen.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Mitglieder des SI-Entwicklungsausschusses (SI DC):</strong> <br>Bhudeb Chakravarti – India (Convenor), Pamela Yang – Taiwan, Evren Özkan – Türkiye, Neuma Dantas – Brazil, Jamie Robertson – Britain. Other appointed members of the SI DC: Marguerite Hills – US; Sayan Roy – India; Exton Mtande – Malawi </p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Kontaktiere SI DC unter <a></a>.</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. SI Jugend – und Familienausschuss (SI YFC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Verantwortung des SI Youth &amp; Families Committee besteht darin, die Beteiligung junger Menschen an Servas auf allen Ebenen zu fördern. Er ist auch für die Verwaltung des SI Jugend- &amp; Familienfonds zuständig, indem er Kriterien festlegt, Antragstellern hilft, Anträge für Unterstützung und Projekte bewertet und empfiehlt und die Nachverfolgung durchführt. Der SI Y&amp;FC koordiniert Servas-Jugendprojekte wie Sprachaustausch (Servas Youth Language Experience) und Jugendcamps und fördert eine gute Kommunikation zwischen jungen Servas-Mitgliedern auf der ganzen Welt. </p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Weitere Informationen findest du auf der Seite <a href="/de/jugend-und-familien" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/jugend-und-familien"><strong>Jugend und Familien</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Mitglieder des SI Jugend – und Familienausschusses (SI YFC): </strong><br>Elena Olivera Begué – Spanien (Beauftragte), Raffaella Rota – Italien, Bogdan Ionescu – Rumänien, Mehmet Ateş – Türkei, Hiren Goradia – Indien. Weitere ernannte Mitglieder des SI Y&amp;FC: Dakshit Chhadwa – Indien, Chiara Spezzati – Italien, Tayezzi Chinthu Banda – Malawi</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Kontaktiere SI Y&amp;FC unter <a></a></em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. Fernabstimmungsadministrator (SI DV)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Aufgabe dieser Rolle besteht darin, den GA-Fernabstimmungsprozess gemäß dem vereinbarten Zeitplan und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem SI-Generalsekretär durchzuführen.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Fernabstimmungsadministrator von SI Distant Vote (SI DVA): </strong><br>Pramod Kumar- India</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:separator -->
    <hr class="wp-block-separator"/>
    <!-- /wp:separator -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left","level":3} -->
    <h3 class="has-text-align-left">Servas International ernannte Teams</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. Servas International Team bei den Vereinten Nationen (SI UNT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Informationen über die Arbeit von SI UNT und seine Mitglieder findest du auf der Seite <a href="/de/servas-bei-den-vereinten-nationen" data-type="URL" data-id="/de/servas-bei-den-vereinten-nationen"><strong>Servas bei den Vereinten Nationen</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Kontaktiere das SI UN Team unter <a></a>.</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. SI Konfliktlösungsteam (SI CRT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Verantwortung des Teams besteht darin, Konflikte innerhalb von Servas zu lösen, indem es Ratschläge anbietet, konfliktbehaftete Parteien zur Lösung durch Beratung und friedliche Strategien einbezieht. Das Team ist direkt der Generalversammlung verantwortlich.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Mitglieder des SI Konfliktlösungsteams: </strong><br>Dorothy Fine – Großbritannien &amp; Irland (Vorsitzende), Alvany Santiago – Brasilien, Abhay Shaha – Indien</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Kontaktiere das SI CRT unter <a></a>.</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. SI Nominierungs- und Stellenbeschreibungsteam (SI NJDT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Verantwortung des Teams besteht darin, die Beschreibung des Wahl- und Nominierungsverfahrens zu pflegen. Darüber hinaus hat das Team die Aufgabe, klare und detaillierte Beschreibungen der Aufgaben von SI Exco, Ausschüssen, Teams und Servas-Beamten bereitzustellen, die in die Statuten von Servas International aufgenommen oder hinzugefügt werden können.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Mitglieder des SI NJD Teams: </strong><br>Susanne Thestrup Okkels – Dänemark (Vorsitzende), Arnoud Philippo – Spanien, Norma Nicholson – Australien, Matheus Nienow – Brasilien, und Claire Taillardat – Frankreich.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Kontaktiere das SI NJD Team unter <a></a>.</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. SI Archivar</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Hoover Institution Library and Archives hat zugestimmt, die Servas-Archive zu pflegen und zu beherbergen. Servas behält das Urheberrecht und vollen Zugriff auf alle Objekte in den Archiven. Die Hoover Institution Library and Archives, befindet sich in Palo Alto, Kalifornien, auf dem Campus der Stanford University, ist eines der renommiertesten Archive der Welt mit modernen Vorkehrungen für die Sicherheit von Dokumenten. Unsere geschätzten Archive werden weiterhin gut gepflegt, und wir werden in den nächsten Jahrzehnten dazu beitragen können.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Der SI-Archivar ist der Hauptkontakt für die physischen SI-Archive, die online in der Hoover-Institutsbibliothek an der Stanford University, Palo Alto, Kalifornien, aufbewahrt werden.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Mitglieder des Archivberatungsteams:</strong> <br>Penny Pattison – Kanada, Anna Koster – USA.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. SI Mitgliederteam (SI MT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Die Aufgabe des Teams besteht darin, Informationen über nationale Gruppen ohne den Status eines Mitgliedslandes zu sammeln und sie darüber zu beraten, wie sie für den Mitgliedsland-Status bei der nächsten GA berechtigt werden können. Sie bieten auch Anleitung für Mitgliedsländer, die ihren Verpflichtungen nicht nachkommen, und machen Empfehlungen an die Generalversammlung über nationale Gruppen, denen der Mitgliedsstatus zuerkannt/entzogen werden soll.<br><br><strong>Mitglieder des SI M Teams: </strong><br>Rita Dessauvage – Belgien (Vorsitzende), Alexey Tereshchenko – Lettland.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Kontaktiere das SI M Team unter <a></a>.</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    summary => string (94) "This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who ar...
    This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who are their volunteers
    format => string (9) "gutenberg"
    x-default => array (1)
    0 => array (3)
    value => UTF-8 string (12489) "<!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left"} --> <h2 class="has-text-align-left">Ser...
    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left"} -->
    <h2 class="has-text-align-left">Servas International committees and teams</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas International (SI) is a global federation democratically governed by SI Member Groups that make decisions at an SI General Assembly (SIGA), typically every three years, and through a yearly SI Distant Voting process.&nbsp;</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas International’s global board, SI Exco, together with other elected SI committees and appointed teams, make and execute day-to-day operational decisions, based on decisions made at the SIGA and through SI Distant Votes.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Members of the SI committees are elected at the SIGAs. Members of the SI teams are appointed by SI Exco. Within each committee or team a convenor shall be selected and if possible a young member shall be appointed as an assistant. The term of office for SI committees and teams ends no later than three months after a General Assembly.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>For information about the day-to-day operations of Servas in your country of origin or country of residence go to that Servas Group’s website.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>For detailed information about the different roles in Servas International governance and a description of the different committees and teams, go to <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" data-type="URL" data-id="" target="_blank"><strong>SI Job Descriptions</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} -->
    <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/>
    <!-- /wp:separator -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left","level":3} -->
    <h3 class="has-text-align-left">Servas International elected committees</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. SI Executive Committee (SI Exco)&nbsp;</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas International’s global board, Servas International Executive Committee (SI Exco), is responsible for the day-to-day running of Servas International between SIGAs (Servas International General Assemblies). The board’s decisions and actions should be in accordance with decisions made by SIGAs and SI Distant Votes.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>SI Exco’s work is governed by the Servas International Statutes (2022), where it is stipulated that the board’s expenditure is limited to the budget adopted by the SIGA and that it shall appoint any&nbsp;Servas officers who have not been elected&nbsp;at the SIGA.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>SI Exco has an overall responsibility for the maintenance and development of the website and Servas International’s membership system.&nbsp;</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The board is also responsible for the planning and execution of the Servas International Conference and General Assembly (SICOGA), which takes place every three to four years as a physical and virtual meeting. Working with a large number of individual Servas volunteers, SICOGAs are arranged in close collaboration with the Servas Member Group&nbsp;hosting the event.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>For a detailed description of SI Exco statutory duties, go to the <strong><a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="/sites/default/files/2024-04/si_statutes_2022_final_2023-01-14 (1).pdf" target="_blank">Servas International Statutes</a></strong> (PDF).&nbsp;</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>For members of the SI Executive Committee and their contact details, go to <strong><a href="/si-exco" data-type="URL" data-id="/si-exco">SI Exco</a></strong>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. SI Audit Committee</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The responsibility of this committee is to conduct an internal audit of SI annual financial statements and to verify the annual budget and actuals report produced by the SI Treasurer. Reports of the Audit Committee will be submitted for adoption either at the SIGA or via the SI Distant Vote process.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Members of the Audit Committee:&nbsp;</strong><br>Gülşen Elyak – Türkiye (Convenor), Ana Rita Gama – Portugal, Yukiko Namariyama – Japan</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contact the SI Audit Committee via</em>&nbsp;</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. SI Development Committee (SI DC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The committee’s responsibility is to promote and support development across all the Servas regions. It is also responsible for the management of the SI Development fund, by establishing criteria, assisting applicants, evaluating and recommending applications for assistance and doing the follow-up. Other responsibilities of the DC include supporting areas where Servas needs to be strengthened or developped,&nbsp;working with the Youth &amp; Families Committee to support youth initiatives and the involvement of young members in Servas activities and encouraging peace initiatives.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Members of SI Development Committee (SI DC)</strong>:&nbsp;<br>Bhudeb Chakravarti – India (Convenor), Pamela Yang – Taiwan, Evren Özkan – Türkiye, Neuma Dantas – Brazil, Jamie Robertson – Britain. Other appointed members of the SI DC: Marguerite Hills - US, Sayan Roy- India, Exton Mtande (Malawi)&nbsp;</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contact SI DC via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. SI Youth and Families Committee (SI YFC)&nbsp;</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The responsibility of the SI Youth &amp; Families Committee is to promote the involvement of young people in Servas, at all levels. It is also responsible for the management of the SI Youth &amp; Families&nbsp;fund, by establishing criteria, assisting applicants, evaluating and recommending applications for assistance and projects and doing the follow-up. The SI YFC coordinates Servas Youth projects like Language Exchange (Servas Youth Language Experience) and Youth Camps and promotes&nbsp;good communication between young Servas members across the world.&nbsp;</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>For more information, please read the <strong><a href="/youth-and-families" data-type="URL" data-id="/youth-and-families">Youth and families</a></strong> page.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Members of SI Youth and Families Committee (SI YFC)</strong>: <br>Elena Olivera Begué – Spain (Convenor), Raffaella Rota – Italy, Bogdan Ionescu – Romania, Mehmet Ateş – Türkiye, Hiren Goradia – India. Other appointed members of the SI Y&amp;FC: Dakshit Chhadwa- India, Chiara Spezzati- Italy, Tayezzi Chinthu Banda- Malawi</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contact SI Y&amp;FC via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. Distant Vote Administrator (SI DV)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The responsibility of the role is to run the GA Distant Vote process as set out in the agreed schedule and in collaboration with SI General Secretary.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>For more information, please read the <strong><a href="/distant-vote" data-type="URL" data-id="/distant-vote">Distant Vote</a></strong> page.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>SI Distant Vote Administrator (SI DVA)</strong>: <br>Pramod Kumar – India</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} -->
    <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/>
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    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left","level":3} -->
    <h3 class="has-text-align-left">Servas International appointed teams</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. Servas International United Nations Team (SI UNT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>For information about SI UNT’s work and its members, please read the <strong><a href="/servas-united-nations" data-type="URL" data-id="/servas-united-nations">Servas at the United Nations</a></strong> page.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contact the SI UN Team via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. SI Conflict Resolution Team (SI CRT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The responsibility of the Team is to try to resolve conflicts within Servas by offering advice, engaging conflicting parties in resolution through guidance and peaceful strategies. The Team is directly accountable to the General Assembly.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Members of the SI Conflict Resolution Team</strong>: <br>Dorothy Fine – Britain &amp; Ireland (Convenor), Alvany Santiago – Brazil, Abhay Shaha – India</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contact the SI CRT via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. SI Nominations and Job Description Team (SI NJDT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The responsibility of the Team is maintenance of the description of the elections and nominations procedure. In addition the Team has the responsibility to provide clear and detailed descriptons of the jobs of SI Exco, Committees, Teams and Servas officers which may be incorporated in or added to the Servas International Statutes.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Members of the SI NJD Team</strong>: <br>Susanne Thestrup Okkels – Denmark (Convenor), Arnoud Philippo – Spain, Norma Nicholson – Australia, Matheus Nienow – Brazil, and Claire Taillardat – France.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contact the SI NJD Team via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. SI Archivist</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The Hoover Institution Library and Archives has agreed to maintain and house the Servas<br>Archives. Servas retains copyright and full access to all the items in the archives. The Hoover Institution Library and Archives, located in Palo Alto, California, on the campus of Stanford University is one of the world’s most reputable archives with modern provision for document safety and security. Our treasured archives will continue to be taken well care of, and we will be able to add to it over the next decades.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The SI Archivist is the main contact for the physical SI archives online stored at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, Palo Alto California</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Members of the Archives Consulting Team</strong>: <br>Penny Pattison – Canada, Anna Koster – US</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. SI Membership Team (SI MT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>The responsibility of the team is to gather information about national groups without member country status and advising them how to be eligible for member country status at the next GA. They also provide guidance to member countries who are not fullfiling their obligations and make recommendations to the Genera Assembly about national groups being given/withdrawn member status<br><br><strong>Members of the SI M Team</strong>: <br>Rita Dessauvage – Belgium (Convenor), Alexey Tereshchenko – Latvia, and Harald Seiffert – Germany</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contact the SI M Team via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    summary => string (94) "This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who ar...
    This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who are their volunteers
    format => string (9) "gutenberg"
    es => array (1)
    0 => array (3)
    value => UTF-8 string (12872) "<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Comités y equipos de Servas Internacional</h2> <!-- ...
    <!-- wp:heading -->
    <h2>Comités y equipos de Servas Internacional</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas Internacional (SI) es una federación global gobernada democráticamente por los Grupos Miembros de SI que toman decisiones en una Asamblea General de SI (SIGA), normalmente cada tres años, y a través de un proceso anual de Votación a Distancia de SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La junta mundial de Servas Internacional, SI Exco, junto con otros comités elegidos de SI y equipos designados, toman y ejecutan las decisiones operativas diarias, basándose en las decisiones tomadas en la SIGA y a través de las Votaciones a Distancia de SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Los miembros de los comités de SI son elegidos en los SIGA. Los miembros de los equipos SI son nombrados por SI Exco. Dentro de cada comité o equipo se elegirá a un convocante y, si es posible, se nombrará a un miembro joven como ayudante. El mandato de los comités y equipos de SI finaliza a más tardar tres meses después de una Asamblea General.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Para obtener información sobre el funcionamiento diario de Servas en tu país de origen o de residencia, visita el sitio web del Grupo Servas correspondiente.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Para información detallada sobre los diferentes roles en el gobierno de Servas Internacional y una descripción de los diferentes comités y equipos, ve a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Descripciones de los puestos SI</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} -->
    <h3>Comités elegidos de Servas Internacional</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. Comité Ejecutivo de SI (SI Exco)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La junta global de Servas Internacional, el Comité Ejecutivo de Servas Internacional (SI Exco), es responsable del funcionamiento diario de Servas Internacional entre las SIGA (Asambleas Generales de Servas Internacional). Las decisiones y acciones de la junta deben estar en consonancia con las decisiones tomadas por los SIGA y los votos a distancia de SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>El trabajo de SI Exco se rige por los Estatutos de Servas Internacional (2022), donde se estipula que los gastos de la junta se limitan al presupuesto aprobado por el SIGA y que nombrará a los cargos de Servas que no hayan sido elegidos en el SIGA.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>SI Exco tiene la responsabilidad general del mantenimiento y desarrollo del sitio web y del sistema de afiliación de Servas Internacional.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>También es responsable de la planificación y ejecución de la Conferencia y Asamblea General de Servas Internacional (SICOGA), que tiene lugar cada tres o cuatro años como reunión física y virtual. Trabajando con un gran número de voluntarios Servas individuales, las SICOGA se organizan en estrecha colaboración con el Grupo Miembro Servas que acoge el evento.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Para una descripción detallada de las obligaciones estatutarias del Exco de SI, consulta los <a href="/sites/default/files/2024-04/si_statutes_2022_final_2023-01-14 (1).pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Estatutos de Servas Internacional</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Para conocer los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo de SI y sus datos de contacto, ve a <a href="/es/si-exco" data-type="URL" data-id="/es/si-exco"><strong>SI Exco</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. Comité de Auditoría de SI</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilidad de este comité es llevar a cabo una auditoría interna de los estados financieros anuales de SI y verificar el presupuesto anual y el informe real elaborado por el Tesorero de SI. Los informes del Comité de Auditoría se presentarán para su aprobación en el SIGA o a través del proceso de Voto a Distancia de SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Miembros del Comité de Auditoría:</strong> <br>Gülşen Elyak - Türkiye (Coordinador), Ana Rita Gama - Portugal, Yukiko Namariyama - Japón</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Ponte en contacto con el Comité de Auditoría de SI a través de</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. Comité de Desarrollo de SI (SI DC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilidad del comité es promover y apoyar el desarrollo en todas las regiones Servas. También es responsable de la gestión del fondo de Desarrollo de SI, estableciendo criterios, ayudando a los solicitantes, evaluando y recomendando solicitudes de ayuda y haciendo el seguimiento. Otras responsabilidades del CD incluyen apoyar las áreas en las que Servas necesita fortalecerse o desarrollarse, trabajar con el Comité de Juventud y Familias para apoyar las iniciativas juveniles y la implicación de los miembros jóvenes en las actividades de Servas y fomentar las iniciativas de paz.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Miembros del Comité de Desarrollo de SI (SI DC)</strong>: <br>Bhudeb Chakravarti - India (Coordinador), Pamela Yang - Taiwán, Evren Özkan - Turquía, Neuma Dantas - Brasil, Jamie Robertson - Gran Bretaña. Otros miembros designados del SI DC: Marguerite Hills - EEUU, Sayan Roy - India, Exton Mtande (Malawi)</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacta con SI DC a través de</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. Comité SI de Juventud y Familias (SI YFC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilidad del Comité de Juventud y Familias de SI es promover la participación de los jóvenes en Servas, a todos los niveles. También es responsable de la gestión del fondo SI Jóvenes y Familias, estableciendo criterios, ayudando a los solicitantes, evaluando y recomendando solicitudes de ayuda y proyectos y haciendo el seguimiento. El SI YFC coordina los proyectos de la Juventud Servas como el Intercambio de Idiomas (Experiencia Lingüística de la Juventud Servas) y los Campamentos Juveniles y promueve la buena comunicación entre los jóvenes miembros Servas de todo el mundo.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Para más información, lee la página de <strong><a href="/es/juventud-y-familias" data-type="URL" data-id="/es/juventud-y-familias">Juventud y familias</a></strong>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Miembros del Comité de Juventud y Familias de SI (SI YFC)</strong>: <br>Elena Olivera Begué - España (Coordinadora), Raffaella Rota - Italia, Bogdan Ionescu - Rumania, Mehmet Ateş - Turquía, Hiren Goradia - India. Otros miembros designados del SI Y&amp;FC: Dakshit Chhadwa- India, Chiara Spezzati- Italia, Tayezzi Chinthu Banda- Malawi</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacta con SI Y&amp;FC a través de</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. Administrador del Voto a Distancia (SI DV)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilidad de esta función es dirigir el proceso de Voto a Distancia de la AG según lo establecido en el calendario acordado y en colaboración con el Secretario General de SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Para más información, lee la página <strong><a href="/es/voto-a-distancia" data-type="URL" data-id="/es/voto-a-distancia">Voto a Distancia</a></strong>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Administrador del Voto a Distancia SI (SI DVA)</strong>: <br>Pramod Kumar - India</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} -->
    <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/>
    <!-- /wp:separator -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} -->
    <h3>Equipos designados por Servas Internacional</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. Equipo Servas Internacional de Naciones Unidas (SI UNT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Para información sobre el trabajo de SI UNT y sus miembros, por favor lee la página de <strong><a href="/es/servas-en-las-naciones-unidas">Servas en las Naciones Unidas</a></strong>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacta con el Equipo SI UNT a través de</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. Equipo de Resolución de Conflictos SI (SI CRT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilidad del Equipo es intentar resolver los conflictos dentro de Servas ofreciendo asesoramiento, implicando a las partes en conflicto en la resolución mediante orientación y estrategias pacíficas. El Equipo es directamente responsable ante la Asamblea General.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Miembros del Equipo de Resolución de Conflictos SI</strong>: <br>Dorothy Fine - Gran Bretaña e Irlanda (Coordinadora), Alvany Santiago - Brasil, Abhay Shaha - India</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacta con el SI CRT a través de</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. Equipo de Nombramientos y Descripción de Puestos de SI (SI NJDT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilidad del Equipo es el mantenimiento de la descripción del procedimiento de elecciones y nominaciones. Además, el Equipo tiene la responsabilidad de proporcionar descripciones claras y detalladas de los trabajos de SI Exco, Comités, Equipos y funcionarios de Servas que puedan incorporarse o añadirse a los Estatutos de Servas Internacional.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Miembros del Equipo SI NJD</strong>: <br>Susanne Thestrup Okkels - Dinamarca (Coordinadora), Arnoud Philippo - España, Norma Nicholson - Australia, Matheus Nienow - Brasil, y Claire Taillardat - Francia.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Ponte en contacto con el Equipo SI NJD a través de</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. Archivista de SI</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La Biblioteca y Archivos de la Institución Hoover ha aceptado mantener y albergar los Archivos de Servas.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas. Servas conserva los derechos de autor y el pleno acceso a todos los elementos de los archivos. La Biblioteca y Archivos de la Institución Hoover, situada en Palo Alto, California, en el campus de la Universidad de Stanford, es uno de los archivos más reputados del mundo, con modernas disposiciones para la seguridad y protección de los documentos. Nuestros preciados archivos seguirán estando bien cuidados y podremos ampliarlos en las próximas décadas.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>El Archivero de SI es el contacto principal para los archivos físicos de SI en línea almacenados en el Instituto Hoover de la Universidad de Stanford, Palo Alto California</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Miembros del Equipo Consultor</strong> de Archivos: <br>Penny Pattison - Canadá, Anna Koster - EE.UU.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. Equipo de Miembros de SI (SI MT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilidad de este equipo es recabar información sobre los grupos nacionales que no tienen el estatus de país miembro y asesorarles sobre cómo optar al estatus de país miembro en la próxima AG. También orientan a los países miembros que no cumplen sus obligaciones y hacen recomendaciones a la Asamblea General sobre la concesión o retirada del estatus de miembro a los grupos nacionales.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Miembros del Equipo SI M</strong>: <br>Rita Dessauvage - Bélgica (Coordinadora), Alexey Tereshchenko - Letonia, y Harald Seiffert - Alemania</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Ponte en contacto con el Equipo SI M a través de</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    summary => string (94) "This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who ar...
    This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who are their volunteers
    format => string (9) "gutenberg"
    fr => array (1)
    0 => array (3)
    value => UTF-8 string (13403) "<!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left"} --> <h2 class="has-text-align-left">Com...
    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left"} -->
    <h2 class="has-text-align-left">Comités et équipes de Servas International</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas International (SI) est une fédération mondiale gouvernée démocratiquement par les Groupes Membres de SI qui prennent des décisions lors d'une Assemblée Générale de SI (SIGA), généralement tous les trois ans, et par le biais d'un processus annuel de Vote à Distance de SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Le conseil d'administration mondial de Servas International, SI Exco, ainsi que d'autres comités SI élus et des équipes nommées, prennent et exécutent les décisions opérationnelles quotidiennes, sur la base des décisions prises lors de la SIGA et par le biais des Votes à Distance SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Les membres des comités SI sont élus lors des SIGA. Les membres des équipes SI sont nommés par SI Exco. Au sein de chaque comité ou équipe, un animateur doit être choisi et, si possible, un jeune membre doit être désigné comme assistant. Le mandat des comités et des équipes SI se termine au plus tard trois mois après une Assemblée Générale.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Pour obtenir des informations sur le fonctionnement quotidien de Servas dans ton pays d'origine ou ton pays de résidence, consulte le site Internet du groupe Servas concerné.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Pour des informations détaillées sur les différents rôles dans la gouvernance de Servas International et une description des différents comités et équipes, consulte les <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>descriptions des postes SI</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} -->
    <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/>
    <!-- /wp:separator -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"textAlign":"left","level":3} -->
    <h3 class="has-text-align-left">Comités élus de Servas International</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. Comité exécutif de SI (SI Exco)&nbsp;</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Le conseil mondial de Servas International, le Comité Exécutif de Servas International (SI Exco), est responsable de la gestion quotidienne de Servas International entre les SIGA (Assemblées Générales de Servas International). Les décisions et les actions du conseil doivent être conformes aux décisions prises par les SIGA et les Votes à Distance du SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Le travail de SI Exco est régi par les statuts de Servas International (2022), où il est stipulé que les dépenses du conseil sont limitées au budget adopté par le SIGA et qu'il nomme tous les responsables Servas qui n'ont pas été élus lors du SIGA.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>SI Exco a la responsabilité générale de la maintenance et du développement du site et du système d'adhésion de Servas International.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Le conseil est également responsable de la planification et de l'exécution de la Conférence et de l'Assemblée Générale de Servas International (SICOGA), qui a lieu tous les trois ou quatre ans sous la forme d'une réunion physique et virtuelle. Travaillant avec un grand nombre de bénévoles Servas, les SICOGA sont organisées en étroite collaboration avec le groupe membre Servas qui accueille l'événement.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Pour une description détaillée des fonctions statutaires du Comité Exécutif de SI, consulte les <a href="/sites/default/files/2024-04/si_statutes_2022_final_2023-01-14 (1).pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Statuts de Servas International</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Pour connaître les membres du comité exécutif de SI et leurs coordonnées, consulte <a href="/fr/si-exco" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/si-exco"><strong>SI Exco</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. Comité d'Audit de SI</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilité de ce comité est d'effectuer un audit interne des états financiers annuels de SI et de vérifier le budget annuel et le rapport réel produit par le trésorier de SI. Les rapports du comité d'audit seront soumis pour adoption soit lors de la SIGA, soit par le biais du processus de Vote à Distance de l'IS.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membres du comité d'audit:</strong><br>Gülşen Elyak – Türkiye (animatrice), Ana Rita Gama – Portugal, Yukiko Namariyama – Japon.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacte le comité d'audit du SI via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. Comité de Développement de SI (SI DC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilité du comité est de promouvoir et de soutenir le développement dans toutes les régions Servas. Il est également responsable de la gestion du fonds de développement SI, en établissant des critères, en aidant les candidats, en évaluant et en recommandant les demandes d'aide et en assurant le suivi. D'autres responsabilités du Comité de Développement incluent le soutien des domaines où Servas a besoin d'être renforcé ou développé, le travail avec le Comité des Jeunes et des Familles pour soutenir les initiatives des jeunes et l'implication des jeunes membres dans les activités Servas, et l'encouragement des initiatives pour la paix.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membres du comité de développement du SI (SI DC)</strong>: <br>Bhudeb Chakravarti - Inde (Président), Pamela Yang – Taiwan, Evren Özkan – Türkiye, Neuma Dantas – Brésil, Jamie Robertson – Grande-Bretagne. Autres membres nommés du SI DC: Marguerite Hills – États-Unis, Sayan Roy – Inde, Exton Mtande (Malawi).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacte le SI DC via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. Comité des Jeunes et des Familles de SI (SI YFC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilité du comité des jeunes et des familles du SI est de promouvoir l'implication des jeunes dans Servas, à tous les niveaux. Il est également responsable de la gestion du fonds SI Jeunes et Familles, en établissant des critères, en aidant les candidats, en évaluant et en recommandant des demandes d'aide et des projets, et en effectuant le suivi. Le SI YFC coordonne les projets de la jeunesse Servas tels que les échanges linguistiques (Servas Youth Language Experience) et les camps de jeunes, et promeut une bonne communication entre les jeunes membres Servas à travers le monde.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Pour plus d'informations, consulte la page <a href="/fr/jeunes-et-familles" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/jeunes-et-familles"><strong>Jeunes et familles</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membres du Comité des Jeunes et des Familles du SI (SI YFC</strong>): <br>Elena Olivera Begué – Espagne (Convenor), Raffaella Rota – Italie, Bogdan Ionescu – Roumanie, Mehmet Ateş – Türkiye, Hiren Goradia – Inde. Autres membres nommés du SI Y&amp;FC: Dakshit Chhadwa – Inde, Chiara Spezzati – Italie, Tayezzi Chinthu Banda – Malawi.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacte le SI Y&amp;FC via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. Administrateur des Votes à Distance (SI DV)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilité de ce rôle est de gérer le processus de Vote à Distance de l'AG tel que défini dans le calendrier convenu et en collaboration avec le Secrétaire Général de SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Pour plus d'informations, consulte la page <strong><a href="/fr/vote-a-distance" data-type="URL" data-id="/fr/vote-a-distance">Vote à Distance</a></strong>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Administrateur des Votes à Distance de SI (SI DVA)</strong>: <br>Pramod Kumar – Inde</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:separator {"className":"is-style-wide"} -->
    <hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-wide"/>
    <!-- /wp:separator -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} -->
    <h3>Équipes nommées par Servas International</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. L'équipe Servas International aux Nations Unies (SI UNT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Pour plus d'informations sur le travail de SI UNT et ses membres, merci de lire la page <a href="/fr/servas-aux-nations-unies"><strong>Servas aux Nations Unies</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacte l'équipe SI UNT via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. L'équipe de Résolution des Conflits du SI (SI CRT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilité de l'équipe est d'essayer de résoudre les conflits au sein de Servas en offrant des conseils, en engageant les parties en conflit dans la résolution par le biais de conseils et de stratégies pacifiques. L'équipe est directement responsable devant l'Assemblée Générale.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membres de l'équipe de Résolution des Conflits SI</strong>: <br>Dorothy Fine – Grande-Bretagne et Irlande (responsable), Alvany Santiago – Brésil, Abhay Shaha – Inde.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacte l'équipe de Résolution des Conflits de SI via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. Équipe chargée des Nominations et de la Description des Emplois du SI (SI NJDT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilité de l'équipe est la maintenance de la description de la procédure d'élections et de nominations. De plus, l'équipe a la responsabilité de fournir des descriptions claires et détaillées des postes de l'Exco de SI, des comités, des équipes et des responsables Servas, qui peuvent être incorporées ou ajoutées aux statuts internationaux de Servas.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membres de l'équipe du SI NJD</strong>: <br>Susanne Thestrup Okkels – Danemark (Convenor), Arnoud Philippo – Espagne, Norma Nicholson – Australie, Matheus Nienow – Brésil, et Claire Taillardat – France.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacte l'équipe du SI NJD via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. Archiviste de SI</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La Hoover Institution Library and Archives a accepté de conserver et d'héberger les archives Servas. Servas conserve les droits d'auteur et le plein accès à tous les éléments des archives. La Hoover Institution Library and Archives, située à Palo Alto, en Californie, sur le campus de l'université de Stanford, est l'un des centres d'archives les plus réputés au monde et dispose de moyens modernes pour assurer la sécurité des documents. Nos précieuses archives continueront d'être bien entretenues et nous pourrons les enrichir au cours des prochaines décennies.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>L'Archiviste du SI est le principal contact pour les archives physiques en ligne du SI stockées à l'Institut Hoover de l'Université de Stanford, à Palo Alto, en Californie.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membres de l'équipe de consultation des archives</strong>: <br>Penny Pattison – Canada, Anna Koster – États-Unis</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. L'équipe des Membres de SI (SI MT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilité de cette équipe est de rassembler des informations sur les groupes nationaux qui n'ont pas le statut de pays membre et de les conseiller sur la manière de prétendre au statut de pays membre lors de la prochaine AG. Elle fournit également des conseils aux pays membres qui ne remplissent pas leurs obligations et fait des recommandations à l'Assemblée générale sur les groupes nationaux auxquels le statut de membre est accordé ou retiré.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membres de l'équipe SI M:</strong> <br>Rita Dessauvage – Belgique (coordinatrice), Alexey Tereshchenko – Lettonie, et Harald Seiffert – Allemagne.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contacte l'équipe du SI M via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    summary => string (94) "This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who ar...
    This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who are their volunteers
    format => string (9) "gutenberg"
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    value => UTF-8 string (12369) "<!-- wp:heading --> <h2>Comitati e team di Servas International</h2> <!-- /w...
    <!-- wp:heading -->
    <h2>Comitati e team di Servas International</h2>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas International (SI) è una federazione globale governata democraticamente dai Gruppi Membri di SI che prendono decisioni durante l'Assemblea Generale di SI (SIGA), in genere ogni tre anni, e attraverso un processo di votazione a distanza annuale di SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il consiglio globale di Servas International, il SI Exco, insieme ad altri comitati SI eletti e a team nominati, prendono ed eseguono le decisioni operative quotidiane, sulla base delle decisioni prese al SIGA e attraverso le votazioni a distanza SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>I membri dei comitati SI vengono eletti durante i SIGA. I membri dei team SI sono nominati dal SI Exco. All'interno di ogni comitato o team deve essere selezionato un convocatore e, se possibile, un giovane membro deve essere nominato come assistente. Il mandato dei comitati e dei team SI termina entro tre mesi dall'Assemblea Generale.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Per informazioni sulle attività quotidiane di Servas nel tuo paese di origine o di residenza, visita il sito web del gruppo Servas.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Per informazioni dettagliate sui diversi ruoli nella governance di Servas International e per una descrizione dei diversi comitati e team, vai a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>SI Job Descriptions</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} -->
    <h3>Comitati eletti di Servas International</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. Comitato Esecutivo di SI (SI Exco)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il consiglio globale di Servas International, il Comitato Esecutivo di Servas International (SI Exco), è responsabile della gestione quotidiana di Servas International tra i SIGA (Assemblee Generali di Servas International). Le decisioni e le azioni del consiglio devono essere conformi alle decisioni prese dai SIGA e dalle votazioni a distanza.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il lavoro della SI Exco è regolato dagli Statuti di Servas International (2022), in cui si stabilisce che le spese del consiglio sono limitate al budget adottato dal SIGA e che deve nominare i funzionari Servas che non sono stati eletti al SIGA.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>L'Exco di SI ha la responsabilità generale della manutenzione e dello sviluppo del sito web e del sistema di iscrizione di Servas International.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il consiglio è anche responsabile della pianificazione e dell'esecuzione della Conferenza e dell'Assemblea Generale di Servas International (SICOGA), che si svolge ogni tre o quattro anni come incontro fisico e virtuale. Lavorando con un gran numero di volontari Servas, i SICOGA sono organizzati in stretta collaborazione con il gruppo membro Servas che ospita l'evento.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Per una descrizione dettagliata dei compiti statutari del SI Exco, consulta gli <a href="/sites/default/files/2024-04/si_statutes_2022_final_2023-01-14 (1).pdf" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Statuti di Servas International</strong></a> (PDF).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Per conoscere i membri del Comitato Esecutivo della SI e i loro dettagli di contatto, vai a <a href="/it/si-exco" data-type="URL" data-id="/it/si-exco"><strong>SI Exco</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. Comitato di revisione SI</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La responsabilità di questo comitato è quella di condurre un audit interno dei bilanci annuali di SI e di verificare il rapporto annuale sul bilancio e sui dati effettivi prodotto dal Tesoriere di SI. I rapporti del Comitato di Revisione saranno presentati per l'adozione al SIGA o tramite il processo di votazione a distanza della SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membri del Comitato di Revisione:</strong> <br>Gülşen Elyak - Türkiye (Presidente), Ana Rita Gama - Portogallo, Yukiko Namariyama - Giappone.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contatta il Comitato di Controllo SI tramite</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. Comitato per lo sviluppo dell'SI (SI DC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il Comitato ha il compito di promuovere e sostenere lo sviluppo in tutte le regioni Servas. È inoltre responsabile della gestione del fondo di sviluppo del SI, stabilendo i criteri, assistendo i richiedenti, valutando e raccomandando le richieste di assistenza e dando loro seguito. Tra le altre responsabilità del Comitato per lo Sviluppo del SI vi sono il sostegno alle aree in cui Servas ha bisogno di essere rafforzato o sviluppato, la collaborazione con il Comitato Giovani e Famiglie per sostenere le iniziative dei giovani e il coinvolgimento dei giovani membri nelle attività di Servas e l'incoraggiamento delle iniziative di pace.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membri del Comitato per lo Sviluppo del SI (SI DC)</strong>: <br>Bhudeb Chakravarti - India (Presidente), Pamela Yang - Taiwan, Evren Özkan - Türkiye, Neuma Dantas - Brasile, Jamie Robertson - Gran Bretagna. Altri membri nominati del SI DC: Marguerite Hills - Stati Uniti, Sayan Roy - India, Exton Mtande (Malawi).</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contatta il SI DC tramite</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. Comitato SI Giovani e Famiglie (SI YFC)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il Comitato SI Giovani e Famiglie ha il compito di promuovere il coinvolgimento dei giovani in Servas, a tutti i livelli. È inoltre responsabile della gestione del fondo SI Giovani e Famiglie, stabilendo i criteri, assistendo i richiedenti, valutando e raccomandando le richieste di assistenza e i progetti e occupandosi del follow-up. Il SI YFC coordina i progetti Servas per i giovani, come lo scambio linguistico (Servas Youth Language Experience) e i campi per i giovani, e promuove una buona comunicazione tra i giovani membri Servas di tutto il mondo.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Per maggiori informazioni, leggi la pagina <a href="/it/giovani-e-famiglie" data-type="URL" data-id="/it/giovani-e-famiglie"><strong>Giovani e famiglie</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membri del Comitato SI Giovani e Famiglie (SI YFC)</strong>: <br>Elena Olivera Begué - Spagna (Presidente), Raffaella Rota - Italia, Bogdan Ionescu - Romania, Mehmet Ateş - Türkiye, Hiren Goradia - India. Altri membri nominati del SI Y&amp;FC: Dakshit Chhadwa - India, Chiara Spezzati - Italia, Tayezzi Chinthu Banda - Malawi.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contatta il SI Y&amp;FC tramite</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. Amministratore del voto a distanza (SI DV)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il ruolo è quello di gestire il processo di voto a distanza del GA come previsto dal programma concordato e in collaborazione con il Segretario Generale del SI.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Per maggiori informazioni, leggi la pagina sul <a href="/distant-vote"><strong>voto a distanza</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Amministratore del voto a distanza SI (SI DVA)</strong>: <br>Pramod Kumar - India</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} -->
    <h3>Team nominati da Servas International</h3>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>1. Team delle Nazioni Unite di Servas International (SI UNT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Per informazioni sul lavoro del SI UNT e sui suoi membri, leggi la pagina <a href="/it/servas-alle-nazioni-unite"><strong>Servas alle Nazioni Unite</strong></a>.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contatta il Team SI UN via</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>2. Team SI per la risoluzione dei conflitti (SI CRT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il Team ha il compito di cercare di risolvere i conflitti all'interno di Servas offrendo consulenza, coinvolgendo le parti in conflitto nella risoluzione dei problemi attraverso strategie di orientamento e di pace. Il Team risponde direttamente all'Assemblea Generale.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membri del Team per la risoluzione dei conflitti del SI</strong>: <br>Dorothy Fine - Gran Bretagna e Irlanda (Presidente), Alvany Santiago - Brasile, Abhay Shaha - India</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contatta il SI CRT tramite</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>3. SI Nominations and Job Description Team (SI NJDT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il team ha la responsabilità di mantenere la descrizione della procedura di elezione e di nomina. Inoltre, il Team ha la responsabilità di fornire descrizioni chiare e dettagliate delle mansioni dell'Esecutivo SI, dei Comitati, dei Team e dei funzionari Servas che possono essere incorporate o aggiunte agli Statuti di Servas International.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membri del Team SI NJD</strong>: <br>Susanne Thestrup Okkels - Danimarca (Presidente), Arnoud Philippo - Spagna, Norma Nicholson - Australia, Matheus Nienow - Brasile e Claire Taillardat - Francia.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contatta il team SI NJD tramite</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>4. Archivista SI</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>La Hoover Institution Library and Archives ha accettato di mantenere e ospitare l'Archivio Servas.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Servas. Servas mantiene i diritti d'autore e il pieno accesso a tutti gli articoli dell'archivio. La Hoover Institution Library and Archives, situata a Palo Alto, in California, nel campus dell'Università di Stanford, è uno degli archivi più rinomati al mondo e dispone di moderne misure di sicurezza e protezione dei documenti. I nostri preziosi archivi continueranno a essere curati con attenzione e potranno essere ampliati nei prossimi decenni.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>L'Archivista del SI è il contatto principale per gli archivi fisici del SI conservati online presso l'Hoover Institute dell'Università di Stanford, Palo Alto California.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membri del team di consulenza archivistica</strong>: <br>Penny Pattison - Canada, Anna Koster - USA</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:heading {"level":4} -->
    <h4>5. Team di membri dell'SI (SI MT)</h4>
    <!-- /wp:heading -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>Il team ha il compito di raccogliere informazioni sui gruppi nazionali che non hanno lo status di paese membro e di consigliare loro come ottenere lo status di paese membro alla prossima GA. Fornisce inoltre indicazioni ai Paesi membri che non adempiono ai loro obblighi e formula raccomandazioni all'Assemblea Generale in merito all'attribuzione o alla revoca dello status di Paese membro ai gruppi nazionali.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><strong>Membri del team SI M:</strong> <br>Rita Dessauvage - Belgio (Presidente), Alexey Tereshchenko - Lettonia e Harald Seiffert - Germania.</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    <!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p><em>Contatta il team SI M tramite</em></p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
    summary => string (94) "This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who ar...
    This page intends to describe the work of SI Committees and Teams and who are their volunteers
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      • optionsconfigurable
        viewarray (1)true
        formarray (2)true
      • view => array (2)
        options => array (1)
        region => string (6) "hidden"
        configurable => boolean true
        form => array (2)
        options => array (2)
        type => string (15) "language_select"
        weight => integer 2
        configurable => boolean true
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (8) "langcode"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1891 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (19) "field_item:language"
        settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1889 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (8) "language"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    type => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1892 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (7)
      label => string (12) "Content type"
      required => boolean true
      read-only => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (4) "type"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1893 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
        settings => array (3)
        target_type => string (9) "node_type"
        handler => string (7) "default"
        handler_settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1892 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    revision_timestamp => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1894 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (7)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1895 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (20) "Revision create time"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1896 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (47) "The time that the current revision was created."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (18) "revision_timestamp"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1897 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:created"
        settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1894 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "created"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    revision_uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1898 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (7)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1899 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (13) "Revision user"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1900 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (50) "The user ID of the author of the current revision."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (12) "revision_uid"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1901 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
        settings => array (3)
        target_type => string (4) "user"
        handler => string (7) "default"
        handler_settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1898 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    revision_log => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1902 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (9)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1903 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (20) "Revision log message"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1904 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (43) "Briefly describe the changes you have made."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      default_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => string (0) ""
      display => array (1)
      form => array (2)
      options => array (2)
      type => string (30) "hide_revision_field_log_widget"
      weight => integer 80
      configurable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (12) "revision_log"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1905 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (22) "field_item:string_long"
        settings => array (1)
        case_sensitive => boolean false
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1902 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (11) "string_long"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    status => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1906 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (9)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1907 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (9) "Published"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      default_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => boolean true
      display => array (1)
      form => array (2)
      options => array (3)
      type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
      settings => array (1) Depth Limit
      weight => integer 120
      configurable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (6) "status"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1908 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
        settings => array (2)
        on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1909 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (2) "On"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1910 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (3) "Off"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1906 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    uid => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (10)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1912 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (11) "Authored by"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      translatable => boolean true
      default_value_callback => string (46) "Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner"
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1913 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (35) "The username of the content author."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      display => array (2)
      view => array (1)
      options => array (3)
      label => string (6) "hidden"
      type => string (6) "author"
      weight => integer 0
      form => array (2)
      options => array (3)
      type => string (29) "entity_reference_autocomplete"
      weight => integer 5
      settings => array (3) Depth Limit
      configurable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (3) "uid"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1914 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
        settings => array (3)
        target_type => string (4) "user"
        handler => string (7) "default"
        handler_settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1911 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    title => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1915 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (9)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1916 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (5) "Title"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      required => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      revisionable => boolean true
      display => array (2)
      view => array (1)
      options => array (3)
      label => string (6) "hidden"
      type => string (6) "string"
      weight => integer -5
      form => array (2)
      options => array (2)
      type => string (16) "string_textfield"
      weight => integer -5
      configurable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (5) "title"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1917 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (17) "field_item:string"
        settings => array (3)
        max_length => integer 255
        is_ascii => boolean false
        case_sensitive => boolean false
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1915 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (6) "string"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    created => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1918 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (9)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1919 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (11) "Authored on"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1920 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (47) "The date and time that the content was created."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      display => array (2)
      view => array (1)
      options => array (3)
      label => string (6) "hidden"
      type => string (9) "timestamp"
      weight => integer 0
      form => array (2)
      options => array (2)
      type => string (18) "datetime_timestamp"
      weight => integer 10
      configurable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (7) "created"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1921 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:created"
        settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1918 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "created"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    changed => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1922 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (8)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1923 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (7) "Changed"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1924 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (39) "The time that the node was last edited."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (7) "changed"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1925 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:changed"
        settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1922 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "changed"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    promote => Drupal\Core\Field\Entity\BaseFieldOverride#1975 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (19) "base_field_override"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (17) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "bc46b70a-6739-48c3-b22a-efbc208495d7"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (1)
      default_config_hash => string (43) "fPUEnm4T5zfZRr3ttDUqq7yCDd2uW3clWD-pvos4tlQ"
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (1)
      config => array (1)
      0 => string (14) ""
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (17) ""
      protected field_name -> string (7) "promote"
      protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (22) "Promoted to front page"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (2)
      on_label => string (2) "On"
      off_label => string (3) "Off"
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean true
      protected default_value -> array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => integer 0
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected baseFieldDefinition -> null
    sticky => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1931 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (9)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1932 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (22) "Sticky at top of lists"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      default_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => boolean false
      display => array (1)
      form => array (2)
      options => array (3)
      type => string (16) "boolean_checkbox"
      settings => array (1) Depth Limit
      weight => integer 16
      configurable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (6) "sticky"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1933 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
        settings => array (2)
        on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1934 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (2) "On"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1935 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (3) "Off"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1931 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    default_langcode => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1936 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (9)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1937 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (19) "Default translation"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1938 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (58) "A flag indicating whether this is the default translation."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      translatable => boolean true
      revisionable => boolean true
      default_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (16) "default_langcode"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1939 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
        settings => array (2)
        on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1940 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (2) "On"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1941 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (3) "Off"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1936 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    revision_default => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1942 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (10)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1943 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (16) "Default revision"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1944 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (72) "A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      storage_required => boolean true
      internal => boolean true
      translatable => boolean false
      revisionable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (16) "revision_default"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1945 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
        settings => array (2)
        on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1946 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (2) "On"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1947 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (3) "Off"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1942 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    revision_translation_affected => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1948 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (9)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1949 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (29) "Revision translation affected"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1950 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (72) "Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      read-only => boolean true
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "node"
      field_name => string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1951 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
        settings => array (2)
        on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1952 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (2) "On"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1953 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (3) "Off"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1948 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    metatag => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1954 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (10)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1955 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (40) "Metatags (Hidden field for JSON support)"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1956 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (38) "The computed meta tags for the entity."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      computed => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      read-only => boolean true
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      cardinality => integer -1
      provider => string (7) "metatag"
      field_name => string (7) "metatag"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1957 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (27) "field_item:metatag_computed"
        settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1954 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (16) "metatag_computed"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    path => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1958 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (8)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1959 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (9) "URL alias"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      translatable => boolean true
      display => array (1)
      form => array (2)
      options => array (2)
      type => string (4) "path"
      weight => integer 30
      configurable => boolean true
      computed => boolean true
      provider => string (4) "path"
      field_name => string (4) "path"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1960 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (15) "field_item:path"
        settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1958 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (4) "path"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    menu_link => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1961 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (12)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1962 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (9) "Menu link"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1963 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (68) "Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving)."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      revisionable => boolean true
      class => string (35) "\Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList"
      translatable => boolean true
      internal => boolean true
      display => array (2)
      view => array (1)
      options => array (2)
      label => string (6) "hidden"
      region => string (6) "hidden"
      form => array (1)
      options => array (1)
      region => string (6) "hidden"
      computed => boolean true
      provider => string (5) "token"
      field_name => string (9) "menu_link"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1964 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (27) "field_item:entity_reference"
        settings => array (3)
        target_type => string (17) "menu_link_content"
        handler => string (7) "default"
        handler_settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1961 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    content_translation_source => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1965 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (10)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1966 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (18) "Translation source"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1967 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (60) "The source language from which this translation was created."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      default_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => string (3) "und"
      initial_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => string (3) "und"
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      provider => string (19) "content_translation"
      field_name => string (26) "content_translation_source"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1968 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (19) "field_item:language"
        settings => array (0)
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1965 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (8) "language"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    content_translation_outdated => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1969 (7)
    • Properties (7)
    • protected definition -> array (10)
      label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1970 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (20) "Translation outdated"
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      description => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1971 (5)
      • Properties (5)
      • protected string -> string (66) "A boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated."
        protected arguments -> array (0)
        protected translatedMarkup -> null
        protected options -> array (0)
        protected stringTranslation -> null
      default_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => boolean false
      initial_value => array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => boolean false
      revisionable => boolean true
      translatable => boolean true
      provider => string (19) "content_translation"
      field_name => string (28) "content_translation_outdated"
      entity_type => string (4) "node"
      bundle => null
      protected typedDataManager -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition#1972 (3)
      • Properties (3)
      • protected definition -> array (2)
        type => string (18) "field_item:boolean"
        settings => array (2)
        on_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1973 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (2) "On"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        off_label => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup#1974 (5)
        • Properties (5)
        • protected string -> string (3) "Off"
          protected arguments -> array (0)
          protected translatedMarkup -> null
          protected options -> array (0)
          protected stringTranslation -> null
        protected typedDataManager -> null
        protected fieldDefinition -> Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition#1969 (7) Recursion
      protected type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected propertyDefinitions -> null
      protected schema -> null
      protected indexes -> array (0)
    body => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1976 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (14) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "e717c969-ef12-477d-8b29-8c4ad247b3ec"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (1)
      default_config_hash => string (43) "KgVkxLl_K3E3lvN6CEoWQIDT0V8J4Mv-fVYrAIc7-FE"
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (2)
      config => array (2)
      0 => string (23) ""
      1 => string (14) ""
      module => array (1)
      0 => string (4) "text"
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (14) ""
      protected field_name -> string (4) "body"
      protected field_type -> string (17) "text_with_summary"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (4) "Body"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (3)
      display_summary => boolean true
      required_summary => boolean false
      allowed_formats => array (0)
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean true
      protected default_value -> array (0)
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected deleted -> boolean false
    field_category => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1977 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (24) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "cc1e9023-2cf4-49da-ae16-128ca88f9441"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (0)
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (1)
      config => array (3)
      0 => string (33) ""
      1 => string (14) ""
      2 => string (36) "taxonomy.vocabulary.content_category"
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (24) ""
      protected field_name -> string (14) "field_category"
      protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (16) "Content category"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (2)
      handler => string (21) "default:taxonomy_term"
      handler_settings => array (4)
      target_bundles => array (1)
      content_category => string (16) "content_category"
      sort => array (2)
      field => string (4) "name"
      direction => string (3) "asc"
      auto_create => boolean false
      auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean false
      protected default_value -> array (0)
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected deleted -> boolean false
    field_full_related_pages => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1978 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (34) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "add2e2d9-d338-4897-847f-9140c76fd07b"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (0)
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (1)
      config => array (2)
      0 => string (43) ""
      1 => string (14) ""
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (34) ""
      protected field_name -> string (24) "field_full_related_pages"
      protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (18) "Full related pages"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (2)
      on_label => string (3) "Yes"
      off_label => string (2) "No"
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean false
      protected default_value -> array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => integer 0
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected deleted -> boolean false
    field_main_picture => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1979 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (28) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "9f82c471-ebb9-4c07-a9a0-c66053ef277c"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (0)
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (1)
      config => array (3)
      0 => string (37) ""
      1 => string (16) "media.type.image"
      2 => string (14) ""
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (28) ""
      protected field_name -> string (18) "field_main_picture"
      protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (12) "Main picture"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (2)
      handler => string (13) "default:media"
      handler_settings => array (4)
      target_bundles => array (1)
      image => string (5) "image"
      sort => array (2)
      field => string (5) "_none"
      direction => string (3) "ASC"
      auto_create => boolean false
      auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean false
      protected default_value -> array (0)
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected deleted -> boolean false
    field_private => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1980 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (23) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "8c6efb6e-9827-4da4-86d8-eeb6ada7f07d"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (0)
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (1)
      config => array (2)
      0 => string (32) ""
      1 => string (14) ""
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (23) ""
      protected field_name -> string (13) "field_private"
      protected field_type -> string (7) "boolean"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (7) "Private"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (2)
      on_label => string (3) "Yes"
      off_label => string (2) "No"
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean false
      protected default_value -> array (1)
      0 => array (1)
      value => integer 0
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected deleted -> boolean false
    field_related_page => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1981 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (28) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "64598da0-b93c-4d7f-b639-817b131a480b"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (0)
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (1)
      config => array (2)
      0 => string (37) ""
      1 => string (14) ""
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (28) ""
      protected field_name -> string (18) "field_related_page"
      protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (12) "Related page"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (2)
      handler => string (12) "default:node"
      handler_settings => array (4)
      target_bundles => array (1)
      page => string (4) "page"
      sort => array (2)
      field => string (5) "_none"
      direction => string (3) "ASC"
      auto_create => boolean false
      auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean false
      protected default_value -> array (0)
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected deleted -> boolean false
    field_secondary_picture => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig#1982 (35)
    • Properties (36)
    • public original -> undefined
      protected entityTypeId -> string (12) "field_config"
      protected enforceIsNew -> null
      protected typedData -> null
      protected cacheContexts -> array (1)
      0 => string (28) "languages:language_interface"
      protected cacheTags -> array (0)
      protected cacheMaxAge -> integer -1
      protected _serviceIds -> array (0)
      protected _entityStorages -> array (0)
      protected originalId -> string (33) ""
      protected status -> boolean true
      protected uuid -> string (36) "4bc05e8d-1eb4-4129-92f9-5aebafb72d35"
      private isUninstalling -> boolean false
      protected langcode -> string (2) "en"
      protected third_party_settings -> array (0)
      protected _core -> array (0)
      protected trustedData -> boolean false
      protected dependencies -> array (1)
      config => array (3)
      0 => string (42) ""
      1 => string (16) "media.type.image"
      2 => string (14) ""
      protected isSyncing -> boolean false
      protected id -> string (33) ""
      protected field_name -> string (23) "field_secondary_picture"
      protected field_type -> string (16) "entity_reference"
      protected entity_type -> string (4) "node"
      protected bundle -> string (4) "page"
      protected label -> string (17) "Secondary picture"
      protected description -> string (0) ""
      protected settings -> array (2)
      handler => string (13) "default:media"
      handler_settings => array (4)
      target_bundles => array (1)
      image => string (5) "image"
      sort => array (2)
      field => string (5) "_none"
      direction => string (3) "ASC"
      auto_create => boolean false
      auto_create_bundle => string (0) ""
      protected required -> boolean false
      protected translatable -> boolean false
      protected default_value -> array (0)
      protected default_value_callback -> string (0) ""
      protected fieldStorage -> null
      protected itemDefinition -> null
      protected constraints -> array (0)
      protected propertyConstraints -> array (0)
      protected deleted -> boolean false
    protected languages -> array (7)
    en => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1846 (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • protected name -> string (7) "English"
      protected id -> string (2) "en"
      protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
      protected weight -> integer 0
      protected locked -> boolean false
    fr => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1848 (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • protected name -> string (6) "French"
      protected id -> string (2) "fr"
      protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
      protected weight -> integer 1
      protected locked -> boolean false
    de => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1845 (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • protected name -> string (6) "German"
      protected id -> string (2) "de"
      protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
      protected weight -> integer 2
      protected locked -> boolean false
    es => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1847 (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • protected name -> string (7) "Spanish"
      protected id -> string (2) "es"
      protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
      protected weight -> integer 3
      protected locked -> boolean false
    it => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1849 (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • protected name -> string (7) "Italian"
      protected id -> string (2) "it"
      protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
      protected weight -> integer 4
      protected locked -> boolean false
    und => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1850 (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • protected name -> string (13) "Not specified"
      protected id -> string (3) "und"
      protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
      protected weight -> integer 5
      protected locked -> boolean true
    zxx => Drupal\Core\Language\Language#1686 (5)
    • Properties (5)
    • protected name -> string (14) "Not applicable"
      protected id -> string (3) "zxx"
      protected direction -> string (3) "ltr"
      protected weight -> integer 6
      protected locked -> boolean true
    protected langcodeKey -> string (8) "langcode"
    protected defaultLangcodeKey -> string (16) "default_langcode"
    protected activeLangcode -> string (9) "x-default"
    protected enforceDefaultTranslation -> null
    protected defaultLangcode -> string (2) "en"
    protected translations -> array (5)
    x-default => array (1)
    status => integer 1
    de => array (1)
    status => integer 1
    es => array (1)
    status => integer 1
    fr => array (1)
    status => integer 1
    it => array (1)
    status => integer 1
    protected translationInitialize -> boolean false
    protected newRevision -> boolean false
    protected isDefaultRevision -> string (1) "1"
    protected entityKeys -> array (4)
    bundle => string (4) "page"
    id => string (5) "67744"
    revision => string (5) "91521"
    uuid => string (36) "35b0902a-bbfe-426c-8c39-436020117024"
    protected translatableEntityKeys -> array (8)
    label => array (5)
    de => UTF-8 string (26) "SI - Ausschüsse und Teams"
    x-default => string (23) "SI committees and teams"
    es => UTF-8 string (24) "Comités y equipos de SI"
    fr => UTF-8 string (23) "Comités et équipes SI"
    it => string (18) "Comitati e team SI"
    langcode => array (5)
    x-default => string (2) "en"
    de => string (2) "de"
    es => string (2) "es"
    fr => string (2) "fr"
    it => string (2) "it"
    status => array (5)
    de => string (1) "1"
    x-default => string (1) "1"
    es => string (1) "1"
    fr => string (1) "1"
    it => string (1) "1"
    published => array (5)
    de => string (1) "1"
    x-default => string (1) "1"
    es => string (1) "1"
    fr => string (1) "1"
    it => string (1) "1"
    uid => array (5)
    de => string (1) "1"
    x-default => string (1) "1"
    es => string (1) "1"
    fr => string (1) "1"
    it => string (1) "1"
    owner => array (5)
    de => string (1) "1"
    x-default => string (1) "1"
    es => string (1) "1"
    fr => string (1) "1"
    it => string (1) "1"
    default_langcode => array (5)
    de => string (1) "0"
    x-default => string (1) "1"
    es => string (1) "0"
    fr => string (1) "0"
    it => string (1) "0"
    revision_translation_affected => array (5)
    de => null
    x-default => null
    es => null
    fr => string (1) "1"
    it => null
    protected validated -> boolean false
    protected validationRequired -> boolean false
    protected loadedRevisionId -> string (5) "91521"
    protected revisionTranslationAffectedKey -> string (29) "revision_translation_affected"
    protected enforceRevisionTranslationAffected -> array (0)
    protected isSyncing -> boolean false
    public in_preview -> null
Called from <ROOT>/modules/contrib/devel/src/Controller/EntityDebugController.php:103 [Drupal\devel\DevelDumperManager->exportAsRenderable()]
  1. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber.php:123 [call_user_func_array()]
  2. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Renderer.php:627 [Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\{closure}()]
  3. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber.php:121 [Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer->executeInRenderContext()]
  4. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber.php:97 [Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->wrapControllerExecutionInRenderContext()]
  5. .../symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php:181 [Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\EarlyRenderingControllerWrapperSubscriber->Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\{closure}()]
  6. .../symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php:76 [Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw()]
  7. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/Session.php:58 [Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle()]
  8. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/KernelPreHandle.php:48 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\Session->handle()]
  9. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/ContentLength.php:28 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\KernelPreHandle->handle()]
  10. <ROOT>/core/modules/big_pipe/src/StackMiddleware/ContentLength.php:32 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\ContentLength->handle()]
  11. <ROOT>/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php:191 [Drupal\big_pipe\StackMiddleware\ContentLength->handle()]
  12. <ROOT>/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php:128 [Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->fetch()]
  13. <ROOT>/core/modules/page_cache/src/StackMiddleware/PageCache.php:82 [Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->lookup()]
  14. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/ReverseProxyMiddleware.php:48 [Drupal\page_cache\StackMiddleware\PageCache->handle()]
  15. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/NegotiationMiddleware.php:51 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\ReverseProxyMiddleware->handle()]
  16. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/AjaxPageState.php:36 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\NegotiationMiddleware->handle()]
  17. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/StackMiddleware/StackedHttpKernel.php:51 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\AjaxPageState->handle()]
  18. <ROOT>/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DrupalKernel.php:704 [Drupal\Core\StackMiddleware\StackedHttpKernel->handle()]
  19. <ROOT>/index.php:19 [Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->handle()] (version 2.0)
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